Data Center Spotlight: EBay – Project Mercury

Spotlight Data center: EBay – Project Mercury Why Phoenix? Why would anyone build a data center in the middle of a desert that reaches temperatures of up to 119F°? And how in the world are they going to cool it efficiently? I know these were the first questions that popped into my mind when I

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Data Center Relocation and Server Installs Project Plan

Server Farm Installs When you think of server farm, small data center comes to mind regardless of the size of your data center, there is always a need for ideas to scale with the times. Here is an idea for a Server Installation Project Plan for raised floor installs to server support. It’s time to

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Server Refresh Cycles

Server Refresh Cycles – 3 Tips Evaluate The Cost of a Server Upgrade: Implementing a server refresh cycle can be a costly task, but it is important for a company to ask themselves if they can afford not to refresh the servers in the coming year? According to Intel, delaying a server refresh cycle can

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Best Practices for Protecting Server Hardware

Server Hardware and Networking Equipment Physical network security covers server hardware and network infrastructure equipment, and the mission critical data that is stored and transmitted in these devices. The devices and their data are subject to various threats such as intrusion, theft, disaster, damage and loss, and a set of data center best practices is

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Handle Enterprise Servers Safely in Data Centers

Are you handle enterprise servers safely in data centers? As innovation continues to power technology, enterprise servers are becoming more powerful and consuming less energy and space. These advancements have the potential to solve many of the most challenging issues that administrators face in planning and managing the data center. In a previous blog entry,

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The State of the Server Hardware Market

According to research firms IDC and Gartner, revenue in the worldwide server market increased between 15.3%-16.4% percent year over year to $15.0 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010 (4Q10).

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The Data Center Migration Guide

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The Data Center Safety Guidebook

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Best Practices for Moving IT Department in the Data Center

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Best Practices for Data Center Equipment Handling

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Buying a Data Center Lifting Device