Social Distancing and Handling Servers

Social Distancing and Handling Servers

As you are well aware, data center operations are basically a set of systems and workflows which maintain adequate uptime and connectivity. The nature of IT ops relies on steady monitoring and maintenance of these systems and workflows—no matter the events taking place outside the DC doors. With calls to practice social distancing, how must

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Why CE Certification Matters in Data Center Safety

CE is a certification that specifically applies to products sold into the European Economic Area (EEA) and makes it possible to freely sell those products throughout EU countries. In some cases, this is a hard requirement. If there are any CE Mark Directives that apply to a given product, then that product is absolutely required,

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Modern Data Center Design and Architecture

Modern Data Center Design and Architecture

Designing the modern data center begins with the careful placement of “good bones.” Data center network architecture must be highly adaptive, as managers must essentially predict the future in order to create physical spaces that accommodate rapidly evolving tech. Those with the best foresight on trends (including AI, multicloud, edge computing, and digital transformation) are the most successful.

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Top 10 Ways to Avoid Downtime

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Downtime

Data center managers and operators know the looming threat of unnecessary downtime well. Despite technological advances in the IT infrastructure space, they are a common phenomenon. The Ponemon Institute placed the cost of a minute of downtime in the data center at $5,600 in 2010 and at $7,900 in 2013. That has now risen to an average of over $8,000 per minute. For the Fortune 100, the loss of unplanned downtime costs as much as $2.5 billion annually.

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Fitting a Data Center Lift into the Budget

How to Fit a Data Center Lift Into Your Budget

Your team would love to purchase an assisted lifting device (ALD) for data center operations, but it’s difficult to find room in your budget—especially for the right solution—the one you really need. You are already familiar with its advantages; it is essential to making your operations safer tomorrow than they were yesterday. 

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How Much Should a Data Center Equipment Lift Cost?

How Much Should a Data Center Lift Cost?

The ROI on a data center lifting device is clear. As we’ve demonstrated in the past, savings can reach into savings of millions of dollars (particularly when accident prevention is factored in).

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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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A properly executed data center consolidation action plan outlines the efficient and scalable technologies which can be utilized to boost production while reducing operating costs.


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The Data Center Migration Guide

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The Data Center Safety Guidebook

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Best Practices for Moving IT Department in the Data Center

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Best Practices for Data Center Equipment Handling

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Buying a Data Center Lifting Device