device battery for fully powered lifting

Motorized vs. Hand-Cranked Data Center Lifts

Each data center manager has different operational needs to consider when it comes to evaluating lifts for IT equipment, in the data center. When selecting a data center lift, you need to start by choosing between hand-cranked data center lifts and ones that lift using motorized winches. We suggest that you focus on three main

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5 factors for choosing the right lift

5 Factors for Choosing the Right Data Center Lift

Employees in data centers of any size require mechanical assistance when moving heavy items. According to Occupational Health and Safety Magazine, lifting any load greater than 51 pounds (23 kg) by hand, can easily turn into an “unsafe lift.” “If the load to be lifted does not meet [exact] criteria, then it is an unsafe

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serverLIFT install low to floor

Data Center Lifts vs. Warehouse Lifts: 3 Main Criteria

Servers can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The data they contain may be worth millions. Some of this IT equipment weighs three-quarters of a ton. You want to make sure that you have a data center lift designed to protect those assets while performing the three essential functions for your IT

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data center

Server Cabinet Relocation: How to Safely Depopulate & Repopulate a Rack

Faced with cabinet relocation? Your data center staff needs to know how to depopulate and populate server cabinets safely to move them. Moving a populated storage rack without the proper equipment can damage the supporting structures because they are not designed to withstand tilting, lifting, or sliding. Likewise, servicing a rack’s midplane, internal power cables,

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Moving Servers: 3 Rules of a Data Center Lift

You’ve heard of the “rule of three’s.” In Latin, “omne trium perfectum,” roughly translated, means “everything that comes in threes is perfect.” We agree. At ServerLIFT®, we think constantly about moving servers in data centers. OK, so we’re a bit obsessive. But what are the fundamental rules required to move heavy data center hardware? What we

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What is the Number One Secret to Data Center Safety?

Instinctively, you know that preventing on-the-job injuries is vital. But, you may not be focusing on what is actually the biggest risk of injury in the data center environment. Data Center Safety Not Focused on Biggest Risk Why is it that when we mention data center safety, the first thing most data center managers think

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Growth of IoT Threatens Data Center Efficiency, Including Moving Servers

This year we’ve noticed a trend in data centers; infrastructure management is struggling to keep up with the demand for connectivity. A lot of this can be blamed on the growth from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and the data they capture. The growth of IoT threatens data center efficiency. As data center managers are

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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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A properly executed data center consolidation action plan outlines the efficient and scalable technologies which can be utilized to boost production while reducing operating costs.


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The Data Center Migration Guide

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The Data Center Safety Guidebook

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Best Practices for Moving IT Department in the Data Center

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Best Practices for Data Center Equipment Handling

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Buying a Data Center Lifting Device