Streamlining the Data Center: IT Infrastructure Trends

Challenges for IT operations teams are growing. One of the ways many data center leaders are attempting to deal with these IT infrastructure struggles is by streamlining the DC environment. Your team may be aiming for the elimination of redundant files or data, improvement of data integrity or security, or decreasing maintenance and operations costs.

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Why Not Go Higher? The Trend Toward Taller Racks

A data center manager hears this question often: “How can we safely expand IT operations without having to move to a new facility?” One of the easiest and most cost-effective answers appears to be to move upward. The 42U rack is a data center industry standard, but in the next few years, we expect server

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data center lift cost and the hidden ROI

Data Center Lift Cost and the Hidden ROI

Anyone who has used a purpose-built server handling lift in data center operations immediately understands how it provides convenience and improvements in data center safety and efficiency. However, when purchasing a purpose-built data center lift, it is easy to miss the hidden and ongoing cost savings. To get approval for an assisted lifting device, your

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how strong should a server lift be

How Strong Should a Server Handling Lift Be?

Strength refers to “the ability of something to support a force or weight without breaking,” according to the MacMillan Dictionary.  But, when we refer to the strength of data center lifts, we’re talking about their ability to perform at their best. Can the device handle servers to carry out the three baseline functions of a

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women in the data center

Women in the Data Center

There are more women in the data center than ever before. “In 2015, women held 57% of all professional occupations, yet they held only 25% of all computing occupations,” according to the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that in 2016, women in the U.S. occupied only

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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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A properly executed data center consolidation action plan outlines the efficient and scalable technologies which can be utilized to boost production while reducing operating costs.


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The Data Center Migration Guide

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data center consolidation action plan white paper

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The Data Center Safety Guidebook

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Best Practices for Moving IT Department in the Data Center

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Best Practices for Data Center Equipment Handling

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Buying a Data Center Lifting Device