ServerLIFT® Data Center Lift Attachments & Accessories

Data Center Lift Attachments

Fact: Most of our attachments were designed based on customer feedback. We listen, and we respond. Each attachment is shown below with a description of its function.

ATTACHMENTS & ACCESSORIES LE-500X™ PL-500X™ GT-1000X™ GS-1000™ RS-500X™ RL-500 ™ GR-500FX™ WS-1X™ WS-2X™ WS-3X™ FE-2X™ FE-3X ™ Tool Bag

What do you need?

Help getting equipment out of the box

Less friction when moving servers into rack

To go deeper into the rack

A wider platform for a chassis

Help angling a server into the rails

The platform to be higher

To hit a ZERO U space

Assistance with large equipment w/o a lift

Tools specifically for your lift

Have a different need? Contact us!

سلسلة LE ملحقات الرفع

بسهولة فك الخوادم من الصناديق

The ServerLIFT LE-500X™ and LE-1000X™ Lift Extensions are used to safely lift and remove servers, switches, UPS devices, and other rack-mounted equipment out of boxes and off of pallets without destroying the packaging or straining your back. These critical tools free operators from ever having to manually unpack boxes or lift equipment ever again.

PL-500X Extension

التعامل مع معدات تكنولوجيا المعلومات إلى الأرض

جهاز PL-500X Extension brings the reach of any ServerLIFT® machine down to the floor, so that it can safely and precisely handle equipment at bottom rack positions for near-ground installs. Extend your reach beyond and below the ServerLIFT® machine frame, enabling you to perform assisted moves in even the most challenging of spaces.

GT-1000X Glide Platform

يتحرك خادم خالي من الاحتكاك

The GT-1000X™ Glide Platform helps you load and unload heavy servers with ease. The integrated rollers reduce friction for effortless gliding, and can also be locked out with the built-in brake for safely securing the server in place during transport. Slide servers and switches on or off the ServerLIFT® platform for a no-stress server move…. every time.

RS-500X J-Frame Rail Assist

زاوية داخل أو خارج القضبان المشقوقة

The RS-500X™ J-Frame Rail Assist supports server equipment while giving the operator control over the angle of the server at all points of installation or removal from the rails. Capable of attaching to any ServerLIFT® platform, the RS-500X can be used to easily tilt servers into slotted guard rails or keep them level for non-slotted, bolt-in installs.

RL-500 منصة الناهض

الوصول إلى أعلى أي رف بأمان

The RL-500™ Platform Riser ensures that server installs are seamless and safe for all data center specifications, including environments with overhead obstructions. Along with optimum server support for top-of-the-rack installs, the RL-500™ Platform Riser raises the working height of the platform itself, expanding the capability of any ServerLIFT® machine to over 58U high.

WS-1X 17 "رف عريض

مصمم لدعم الخوادم الواسعة

The WS-1X™ Wide Shelf is a 17″ (43.2 cm) wide plate attachment that provides additional shelf surface area to fully support servers across their entire width. Designed for uncrating and installing the NVIDIA DGX-2 and the NVIDIA DGX A100, it supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-1X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.


مصمم للاستخدام مع خوادم NVIDIA DGX-2 و NVIDIA DGX A100


The WS-2X™ Wide Shelf is a 21″-wide (53.3 cm) plate attachment that can provide even more shelf surface area to fully support servers with side-structural frames across their entire width. It supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-2X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.


The WS-3X™ Wide Shelf is a 30″-wide (76.2 cm) plate attachment with the most shelf surface area available to fully support servers with side-structural frames across their entire width. It supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-3X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.

FE-3X رف ممتد

تمديد الوصول ودعم خادم الرف العميق

احصل على وصول ممتد ودعم خادم الرف العميق مع الرف الموسع FE-3X ™. مصممة للاستخدام مع رافعة التحميل الأمامي SL-500FX ™، يوفر هذا السرد دعمًا صارمًا للخوادم في عمق أي رف. مثالية للمصنعين ودمج الأنظمة.

Data Center Lift Accessories

Enhance your data center lift experience with practical accessories. We have more accessories coming, so keep an eye out for them.

BCS: Battery Charging Station

Bring the cart to the lift. Remove the dead battery and place it on the cart. Move the cart to an outlet. Recharge the battery, and use the cart to take the fully charged battery back to the lift for installation.

GS-1000 Glide Shelf

GS 1000R Glide Shelf Round Pin Option or GS-1000S Glide Shelf Square Pin Option

These shelves attach to a server rack so you can smoothly slide equipment in or out of the rack.

LTK: Lift Tool Kit

All the tools you need to perform basic maintenance and repair of a ServerLIFT data center lift.

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

دليل ترحيل مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

دليل سلامة مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

أفضل الممارسات لنقل قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات في مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

أفضل الممارسات للتعامل مع معدات مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

الكتاب الأبيض خطة عمل دمج مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

شراء جهاز رفع مركز البيانات