ServerLIFT® News | January 2025

AI is rapidly changing data centers in a number of ways. The energy demand will continue to increase, as will the demand for innovative solutions. We are committed to bringing you the latest data center ideas to help you in your data centers. 1. 2025 Data Center Trends Data centers in 2025 face six key

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ServerLIFT Announces Partnership with American Pacific Group

PHOENIX, AZ, January 21, 2025 – ServerLIFT, LLC (“ServerLIFT”), a leading manufacturer of purpose-built material handling and lifting equipment for critical IT infrastructure, announced its partnership today with an affiliate of American Pacific Group (“APG”), a San Francisco Bay Area-based private equity firm. The APG investment is in partnership with Ray and David Zuckerman, who represent

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ServerLIFT® News | December 2024

‘Tis the season . . . when many people will be taking time off work to visit family and friends. But data centers run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so here’s a toast to the hard-working data center teams around the world! 1. Microsoft Buys Nuclear Reactor at Three Mile Island As

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ServerLIFT® News | November 2024

With Thanksgiving behind us, we want to say “Thank You” to express the deep thankfulness we have for all of you. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll look inside data centers for the unusual or the unknown. 1. Understanding Dark Fiber in Data Centers Dark fiber refers to unused fiber optic cables. Some data centers intentionally

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ServerLIFT® Employees Attend Data Centre World Asia – David Zuckerman

David Zuckerman, Vice-President I attended the Data Centre World Asia trade show in Singapore on October 9 and 10, 2024, with Win Koerper, our Director of Client Services. The show and the city were both fascinating. The Trade Show Visiting with distributors, talking to customers, and seeing the latest equipment that interfaces with our products and

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ServerLIFT® Employees Attend Data Centre World Asia – Win Koerper

Win Koerper – Director of Client Services Exploring Singapore During a Data Center Conference: A Blend of Technology and Culture Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Singapore for a data center conference. The trip was an eye-opener, not only from a professional standpoint but also from a cultural perspective. Singapore, a global hub for innovation

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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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تنزيل الكتاب الأبيض المجاني "أفضل الممارسات لنقل معدات تكنولوجيا المعلومات في مركز البيانات"

سواء كان المشغلون يؤدون وظائف قياسية أو ينقلون معدات تكنولوجيا المعلومات بين المرافق ، فإن دليلنا المجاني يقدم قائمة تحقق قيمة لإجراء نقل بأمان وبدون مخاطر غير ضرورية.

أفضل الممارسات - نقل - تكنولوجيا المعلومات - المعدات - في - مركز البيانات - الغلاف

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

شراء جهاز رفع مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

أفضل الممارسات لنقل قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات في مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

دليل ترحيل مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

دليل سلامة مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

أفضل الممارسات للتعامل مع معدات مركز البيانات

أدخل المعلومات أدناه لتنزيل المستند التقني

الكتاب الأبيض خطة عمل دمج مركز البيانات