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av et datasenterløft

Ethvert serverhåndteringsverktøy som vurderes for bruk i et datasenter, må på det mest grunnleggende nivået være i stand til å trygt og effektivt utføre de viktige funksjonene som trengs fra et datasenterløft.


Serverhåndteringsutstyr skal kunne transportere servere og annet IT-utstyr rundt ethvert datasentermiljø. Et datasenterløft må effektivt navigere: 

  • Gjennom dører og heiser i standardstørrelse
  • Serverromsganger med luftledninger
  • Over vanlige hindringer i gulvet

Dører og heiser

ServerLIFTs høyeste enhet, the SL-1000x® Super-Duty Lift, measures less than 6.5 feet (197 cm) tall, permitting it to move comfortably through any doorway or elevator. Using a ServerLIFT® device, your staff will not lose time or take risks transporting servers with push carts and then transferring them to the data center lift for an install.


ServerLIFT® purpose-built devices allow operators to safely access both sides of the aisle without having to turn the device around. They were designed for ultimate practicality as they install and remove equipment from racks, without the need to rotate the lift in the aisle. Even better, our lifts can be locked into place using controls both on the brakes and the handles for safe positioning.


A ServerLIFT® machine has nearly a full inch of undercarriage clearance (0.9-inch [2.28 cm]) without compromising on how low it can install servers in a rack. It will not bottom out nor get stuck when traversing common obstacles or standard ADA ramps. It also has large wheels, making it easier to push with greater overall stability. Our data center lifts will not get stuck or tip over in any data center environment when used as instructed.


Et datasenterløft må plassere og støtte servere nøyaktig og jevnt for å gjøre det enkelt for operatørene å gjøre sitt arbeid.

SL-500FX serverløft teleskopmast


ServerLIFT® devices reach up to a minimum of 8.16 feet (98 inches [248.9 cm]), or, with the RL-500 ™, to 9.5 feet (114 inches [289.5 cm]). The SL-1000X® supports servers up to 8.75 feet high (105 inches [266.7 cm]) and is also compatible with the RL-500™ Extension for extended reach when required. In addition, by attaching a PL-500X™ to the ServerLIFT® device, equipment can reach the lowermost positions in a rack or cabinet and even all the way down to the floor.


All of the ServerLIFT® devices have rigid platforms that will not sag, which can throw off side-to-side alignment and complicate the installation process. In addition, our lift platforms feature SmartTILT™ technology. An operator can adjust the platform angle in precise measure for proper alignment of the server with the rack posts. The shelf can be tilted up or down with a total range of 2 degrees for micro-leveling when an operator is working with heavy loads causing slight deflection.

Forward Rail Installs

ServerLIFT® designed its data center lifts to adjust the forward angle of servers using the RS-500X ™ skinneløft. This into-the-rack angling allows for easing equipment into slotted rails safely without manual effort. Your IT staff, equipped with ServerLIFT® solutions, will never have to struggle to line up the nail-heads of a server with the rail slots by hand ever again.


Data center lifts must effectively and safely assist in the installation and removal of servers to/from a rack.

SL-500FX serverinstallasjon

Støtte til utstyr

ServerLIFT® platforms support servers into the server cabinet with ease.

ServerLIFT SL-1000x®, SL-500X®, og SL-350x® datasenterheiser har en skyvehylle som strekker seg 6 tommer til hver side for sidelastingsevne i totalt 12 tommer reise.

ServerLIFT SL-500FX ™ frontløfterheis er i stand til å støtte utstyr opptil 20 ″ og plassere det i ethvert server rack. De FE-3X ™ utvidet hylle is a valuable attachment, nearly doubling the forward reach of the SL-500FX™ platform.


ServerLIFT® winch-pulley-cable system lies outside of the platform lift area, and it is enclosed, protecting hands from potential pinch points. Its frame does not surround the platform, so it does not interfere with reaching the server from either side, back, or front.


ServerLIFT® data center lifting devices can support any server within device capacity. They are designed for incredibly stable, yet freestanding installation and removal, and will not tip over while traversing uneven data center floors. Our dual-point stabilizer brakes are large and accessible for ease of use and lock down the lift, preventing any movement even when pulling a heavy server on or off the platform during a server move. ServerLIFT® equipment stays stable without the need for straps, although we do recommend straps to secure equipment to the lift for use during transport.

Comparison: The 3 Rules

av en datasenterassistert løfteenhet

ServerLIFT® Lagerheis

Utfører alle funksjoner



1. Transport

Dører og heiser

Passer gjennom standard størrelse


Klaring for å navigere over ramper, kabler osv.

2. Posisjon


Oppnår alle rackposisjoner (opptil 58U)

Justering (side til side)

Holder servernivå og justeres med rackinnlegg

Justering (foran-til-bak)

Vinkler eller vipper server inn / ut av slissede skinner

3. Installer / fjern


Samlet enhet låses på plass uten behov for støtte utenfra. Skyve plattformen låses på plass slik at utstyret kan skyves på og av enheten.


Serveren er fullt tilgjengelig på alle sider i alle høyder for operatøren


Uavhengig stabil for å støtte servere i racket

Utfører alle funksjoner
1. Transport
Doors & Elevators
2. Posisjon
Justering (side til side)
Justering (foran til bak)
3. Installer / fjern

Both the 600RS and the RL400 devices only go up to 40U and require additional accessory purchases in order to accommodate racks of standard height of 42U.

Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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Snakk med en spesialist for å finne den rette løfteløsningen for ditt datasenter.

Last ned vår GRATIS hvitbok, "The Data Center Migration Guide"

Optimalisering av IT-produksjon er avhengig av riktig oppdatering og vedlikehold av utstyr og datasenterfasiliteter. Bruk vår gratis guide for å visualisere, planlegge og utføre en datasentermigrering.


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