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Mengapa kami

Tiga Aturan
dari Pengangkatan Pusat Data

Alat penanganan server apa pun yang dipertimbangkan untuk digunakan dalam pusat data harus, pada tingkat paling dasar, dapat dengan aman dan efisien menjalankan fungsi-fungsi penting yang diperlukan dari lift pusat data.


Peralatan penanganan server harus dapat mengangkut server dan peralatan TI lainnya di sekitar lingkungan pusat data. Lift pusat data harus bernavigasi secara efektif: 

  • Melalui pintu dan lift berukuran standar
  • Gang ruang server dengan nampan kabel overhead
  • Lebih dari penghalang lantai umum

Pintu dan Elevator

ServerLIFT®’s tallest device, the SL-1000X® Angkat Tugas Super, measures less than 6.5 feet (197 cm) tall, permitting it to move comfortably through any doorway or elevator. Using a ServerLIFT® device, your staff will not lose time or take risks transporting servers with push carts and then transferring them to the data center lift for an install.


ServerLIFT® purpose-built devices allow operators to safely access both sides of the aisle without having to turn the device around. They were designed for ultimate practicality as they install and remove equipment from racks, without the need to rotate the lift in the aisle. Even better, our lifts can be locked into place using controls both on the brakes and the handles for safe positioning.

Penghalang Lantai

A ServerLIFT® machine has nearly a full inch of undercarriage clearance (0.9-inch [2.28 cm]) without compromising on how low it can install servers in a rack. It will not bottom out nor get stuck when traversing common obstacles or standard ADA ramps. It also has large wheels, making it easier to push with greater overall stability. Our data center lifts will not get stuck or tip over in any data center environment when used as instructed.


Lift pusat data harus memposisikan dan mendukung server dengan tepat dan mantap untuk memudahkan operator melakukan pekerjaannya.

SL-500FX serverlift pusat data angkat tiang teleskopik


ServerLIFT® devices reach up to a minimum of 8.16 feet (98 inches [248.9 cm]), or, with the RL-500 ™ Platform Riser, hingga 289,5 cm [114 inci]. SL-1000X mendukung server hingga 266,7 cm (8,7 kaki) (8,7 kaki) dan juga kompatibel dengan RL-500 Platform Riser untuk jangkauan yang lebih jauh bila diperlukan. Selain itu, dengan melampirkan a PL-500X™ Platform Extension to the ServerLIFT® device, equipment can reach the lowermost positions in a rack or cabinet and even all the way down to the floor.

Penyelarasan sisi ke sisi

All of ServerLIFT®’s devices have rigid platforms that will not sag, which can throw off side-to-side alignment and complicate the installation process. In addition, our lift platforms feature SmartTILT™ technology. An operator can adjust the platform angle in precise measure for proper alignment of the server with the rack posts. The shelf can be tilted up or down with a total range of 2 degrees for micro-leveling when an operator is working with heavy loads causing slight deflection.

Pemasangan Rail Maju

ServerLIFT® designed its data center lifts to adjust the forward angle of servers using the Angkat Rel RS-500X ™. This into-the-rack angling allows for easing equipment into slotted rails safely without manual effort. Your IT staff, equipped with ServerLIFT® solutions, will never have to struggle to line up the nail-heads of a server with the rail slots by hand ever again.


Data center lifts must effectively and safely assist in the installation and removal of servers to/from a rack.

Instal server SL-500FX

Dukungan Peralatan

ServerLIFT® platforms support servers into the server cabinet with ease. The ServerLIFT® SL-1000X®, SL-500X®, dan SL-350X® data center lifts feature a Sliding Shelf which extends 6 inches to each side for side-loading capability for a total of 12 inches of travel. The ServerLIFT® SL-500FX ™ Lift Pemuatan Depan mampu mendukung peralatan hingga 20 ″ dan menempatkannya di rak server apa pun. Itu FE-3X ™ Rak Tambahan is a valuable attachment, nearly doubling the forward reach of the SL-500FX™ platform.

Akses Operator

ServerLIFT® winch-pulley-cable system lies outside of the platform lift area, and it is enclosed, protecting hands from potential pinch points. Its frame does not surround the platform, so it does not interfere with reaching the server from either side, back, or front.


ServerLIFT® data center lifting devices can support any server within device capacity. They are designed for incredibly stable, yet freestanding installation and removal, and will not tip over while traversing uneven data center floors. Our dual-point stabilizer brakes are large and accessible for ease of use and lock down the lift, preventing any movement even when pulling a heavy server on or off the platform during a server move. ServerLIFT® equipment stays stable without the need for straps, although we do recommend straps to secure equipment to the lift for use during transport.

3 Aturan

Perangkat Pengangkat Berbantuan Pusat Data

ServerLIFT® RackLift™ Angkat Gudang

Melakukan Semua Fungsi




1. Transportasi

Pintu dan Elevator

Sesuai dengan ukuran standar

Penghalang Lantai

Izin untuk menavigasi melalui landai, kabel, dll.

2. Posisi


Mencapai semua posisi rak (hingga 58U)


Alignment (Dari sisi ke sisi)

Menyimpan level server dan disejajarkan dengan posting rak

Alignment (Depan-ke-belakang)

Sudut atau kemiringan server masuk / keluar dari rel yang ditempatkan

3. Pasang / Hapus


Unit keseluruhan terkunci di tempatnya tanpa memerlukan dukungan luar. Platform geser terkunci pada posisinya sehingga peralatan dapat didorong dan dimatikan unit.


Server sepenuhnya dapat diakses di semua sisi di semua ketinggian untuk operator


Stabil secara independen untuk mendukung server ke rak

Melakukan Semua Fungsi
1. Transportasi
Doors & Elevators
Penghalang Lantai
2. Posisi
Alignment (Sisi ke Sisi)
Alignment (Depan ke Belakang)
3. Pasang / Hapus

* Both the 600RS and the RL400 devices only go up to 40U and require additional accessory purchases in order to accommodate racks of standard height of 42U. Racklift™ states that the 600C is customizable.

RackLift™ is a trademark licensed to BIAC Broadband USA Inc.


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Bicaralah dengan spesialis untuk menemukan solusi pengangkatan yang tepat untuk pusat data Anda.

Unduh kertas putih GRATIS kami, "Panduan Migrasi Pusat Data"

Mengoptimalkan produksi TI tergantung pada pembaruan dan pemeliharaan peralatan dan fasilitas pusat data Anda dengan benar. Manfaatkan buku panduan gratis kami untuk memvisualisasikan, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan migrasi pusat data.

Penutup Data-Pusat-Migrasi-Buku Panduan

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Panduan Migrasi Pusat Data

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Buku Panduan Keamanan Pusat Data

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Praktik Terbaik untuk Memindahkan Departemen TI di Pusat Data

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Praktik Terbaik untuk Penanganan Peralatan Pusat Data

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buku putih konsolidasi rencana aksi pusat data

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Membeli Perangkat Pengangkat Pusat Data