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ServerLIFT®: Making Safety the Priority in Data Center Operations

At ServerLIFT, safety isn’t just a priority; it’s our cornerstone. We understand the critical importance of safety in data center operations, which is why we ensure that our products and services meet the highest safety standards.

All ServerLIFT products are designed with safety as the top consideration.

Every single ServerLIFT data center lift meets the same strict standards:

    • Alle våre heiser, sidelastning eller frontbelastning, manuelt eller motorisert, er designet med null klemmepunkter for å fange fingre eller skruenøkkel.
    • Utstyr som veier opp til 1 000 kg. (454 kg) kan senkes eller løftes ved å trykke på en knapp.
    • 61 cm bredt er maskinene våre enkle å manøvrere helt opp til stativet.
    • Dual-Point Stabilizer Brakes lock ServerLIFT data center lifts into place so the lift is completely solid as removals and installations are performed.
    • Ergonomic Easy-Turn Swivel Handles are easy to grip and offer complete control of the ServerLIFT apparatus.
    • Rammen i alt stål og medfølgende stroppkitt sikrer en jevn tur og stabil plattform for servere.

Our resolute dedication to safety translates directly to fewer workplace accidents in your facility. In turn, this means lower liability for you and a better quality of life for your employees.

Here’s what we can promise:

Expert Engineering

Our engineers carefully design, optimize, and test every server-handling device we produce. They stay abreast of the latest technological advancements and safety protocols, so you can be assured your ServerLIFT product meets all current safety best practices.

Full Compliance With Industry Standards

Every piece of ServerLIFT equipment meets or exceeds all relevant industry regulations. Our lifting solutions are designed to comply with US and European safety standards, which means we strictly adhere to their stringent safety benchmarks. Additionally, our commitment to providing solutions to help you meet or exceed OSHA regulations ensures a safe working environment for your staff and minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries.

Ongoing Training And Support

When you partner with ServerLIFT, you’re never on your own. That’s because we understand that safety is just as much about proper usage as it is about good product design.

We provide remote support so you can ensure your staff is well-versed in the safe and efficient operation of our lifting solutions. If your team has any questions on proper lifting techniques, equipment maintenance, and emergency protocols, we suggest reading the Operator’s Manual from front to back and calling our Client Experience Team for remote support. Our team is available from 7 am to 5 pm MST Monday through Friday to address any queries or concerns you may have regarding the safe use of our products.

Risk Mitigation

Our customers report a 100% no-accident record after starting to use our data center lifts. We credit our safety features, such as auto-braking systems and load sensors, for providing an extra layer of protection that ensures safe lifting operations even in challenging environments.

Enhanced Efficiency

Avoiding workplace accidents increases operational efficiency. When you don’t have to fix broken equipment, tend to injuries, and fill out workers’ comp forms, you can do work that boosts your revenue.

Additionally, with faster and safer equipment deployment, you can minimize downtime and get back to running at total capacity in no time, even after large equipment migrations.

Continuous Improvement

At ServerLIFT, we never stop innovating. That’s because safety is a journey, not a destination—and industry regulations are continually changing.

We actively solicit feedback from our customers and industry experts to identify areas for enhancement and refinement in our products and services. By staying ahead of the curve, we ensure that your data center remains at the forefront of safety innovation.

Peace Of Mind

Ultimately, choosing ServerLIFT means investing in peace of mind. Our unwavering commitment to safety ensures the protection of your data center staff and equipment.

What do our safety certifications mean?

Safety is not just a checkbox for us; it’s the foundation of everything we do at ServerLIFT®. By choosing us as your lifting solution provider, you’re not just investing in cutting-edge technology. You’re also investing in the safety and well-being of your data center staff and equipment. Join leading data centers worldwide that trust ServerLIFT® to raise their safety standards and redefine what’s possible in data center operations.

CE European Conformity

The CE marking signifies that products sold in the EEA (European Economic Area) have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection krav. The CE stamp is required on all products imported into and sold in Europe. It focuses on two different types of safety: mechanical and electromagnetic. All ServerLIFT® data center lifts carry the CE-forsegling.


FCC LogoServerLIFT® devices vil ikke forårsake elektromagnetisk forstyrrelse av datamaskiner og servere. Denne typen forstyrrelse kan forringe ytelsen eller stoppe utstyret fra å fungere fullstendig. Mens FCC er en amerikansk myndighetsenhet, er denne sertifiseringen anerkjent globalt og innlemmet i datasentre over hele verden.


This certification ensures operators are not affected by any RF energy being emitted by a ServerLIFT® product. IC is a Canadian sertifisering utstedt av Certification and Engineering Bureau. Testing er parallelt med CE- og FCC-testing.

ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

ServerLIFT® meets ISO 9001 and 14001 requirements. ISO 9001 sertifisering betyr at vi som produsent har utviklet og vedlikeholder et godkjent system for kvalitetssikring og kontinuerlig forbedring. Tilsvarende betegnelsen vår som en ISO 14001 manufacturer means that we operate under a system that ensures we are continuously reducing or minimizing our environmental impact.

Hvis du har tatt i bruk en ISO-standard i datasenteret ditt (eller begge deler), er det fornuftig å standardisere kjøpene dine fra en like akkreditert leverandør.

NIOSH-kompatibel for løfting og skyving

Hvis du er usikker på løftegrenser i ditt tilfelle, anbefaler vi NIOSH Lifting Equation. Dette er et verktøy som brukes av helse- og sikkerhetsfagfolk for å vurdere manuell håndteringsrisiko forbundet med løfte- og senkeoppgaver på arbeidsplassen. Last ned denne appen å komme i gang.


Kontakt supportpersonalet at any time to learn more about how ServerLIFT® works to make sure our products fit your operational expectations. You can also read. more about our kvalitetssikringsprosess.

Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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