ServerLIFT SL-350X® Håndsvinget løft

Vår Premium Hand-Cranked Datasenterheis

Gullstandardalternativet til motoriserte heiser, ServerLIFT SL-350X Hand-Cranked Data Center Lift is the recommended choice for occasional server moves of equipment up to 350 lbs (159 kg). Each feature is designed to reduce joint stress and enable accurate alignment of data center equipment—and with no charging required. With the SL-350X lift, one tech can safely and single-handedly load, transport, position, and install equipment weighing up to 350 lbs (159 kg).


Kraftig håndveivikon 1

Tilfeldig server flytter

Elektrisk heisalternativ

Elektrisk heisalternativ

350 kg vekt

Lettere maskinvare

Den ledende datasenterheisen for sjeldne bevegelser av maskinvare

Moving IT hardware by hand—even lightweight 2U and 4U servers—quickly becomes a physical and logistical pain for all data center operations. The ServerLIFT SL-350X® server handling lift was built with this in mind, offering an intuitive and easy-to-use solution for lighter IT hardware in any data center environment. Server support goes up to 52U high (8 ft or 2.44 m) to allow for easy and safe transport from the dock to the rack, and back again.  It can also traverse ramps and floor gradients (max. angle of 6 degrees.) Fotspor (BxLxH): 24 x 44 x 69 tommer Vekt (losset): 360 kg (163 kg) Fraktdimm (BxLxH): 26 x 45 x 78 tommer Fraktvekt: 462 lb (210 kg)

Det smarte, rimelige valget

The ServerLIFT SL-350X® data center lift features a durable and ergonomic design in a light-duty unit. The powerful hand crank offers mechanically-advantaged lifting of IT equipment weighing up to 350 lbs (159 kg), meaning a tech no longer has to team up for risky manual lifts. Use the SL-350X® data center lift within aisles as narrow as 36″ wide (91 cm). Tilt and angle the server or other equipment by up to 2 degrees using the stable, micro-leveling platform.

Sikkerhet er vår topp prioritet

ServerLIFT® server handling lifts are designed to be the data center professional’s safest and smartest decision. Ours is the only data center lift certified to meet US and global safety standards.

Vector Smart Object-1
Vector Smart Object

Danger in the Data Center​

"Manuell materialhåndtering er den viktigste kilden til erstatningsskader i den amerikanske arbeidsstyrken, og fire av fem av disse skadene vil påvirke korsryggen."
- Arbeidsmiljøetaten

"Over 36% av skader som involverte tapte arbeidsdager var et resultat av skulder- og ryggskader ... å løfte belastninger over 50 pund vil øke risikoen for skader."
- US Bureau of Labor

Ingen flere manuelle løft

Produsenter av IT-utstyr spesifiserer vanligvis to til fire personer for håndtering og installasjon. Selv med fire personer øker unødvendig løfteutstyr unødvendig risikoen for ulykke. Manuell løfting forsinker også andre viktige datasentreoppgaver fra å bli utført.

dårlig løfteteknikk

Spar tid og penger med ServerLIFT®

Installing servers and related IT equipment by hand is both dangerous and inefficient. Depending on the number of people used to install equipment, data center efficiency can improve by up to 300% when using ServerLIFT® devices instead.

Two salaried employees installing a new piece of rack-mounted equipment weighing 75 pounds*, by hand, provides a perfect example. This task requires 30+ minutes of high-tension work per employee, risking muscle strain, pinched fingers, and other injuries. Conversely, a single tech using a ServerLIFT® data center lift can make the move in 15 minutes with no risk involved.

* montert på stativet - ingen kabling eller tilkoblinger
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

ServerLIFT® Guarantee

The SL-350X® Super-Duty Lift is backed by a worry-free, 30-day Money-Back Guarantee.


Kompakt design

The open design of the SL-350X® maintains a minimal footprint while allowing for total accessibility. The lift’s slim 24-inch base navigates narrow aisles and fits through standard-size doorways and elevator doors without tipping. With a tight turning radius and retracting side shelf, operators can move freely around the data center lift and work on either side without having to squeeze through or risk getting hurt.

Robust, Mico-Leveling-plattform

The platform of the SL-350X® data center lift stays rigid and stable, even when lifting up to 350 lbs. (159 kg). This, along with the user-controlled micro-leveling SmartTILT™ shelf adjustment feature, provides the critical post-to-post alignment needed to precisely rack-mount any server, making installation a breeze.


GT-1000X Glide Table friksjonsfri lossing av servere

The GP-1000X™ Bi-Directional Glide Table helps you load and unload heavy servers with a single hand for a no-stress server move...every time.
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installere server i drop-in skinner

The AP-500X™ J-Frame Rail Assist helps you quickly and accurately lower equipment into slotted rails.
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ServerLIFT® Extended Service Contracts are available in three- and five-year terms on the SL-350X®. Warranty extensions include a year-end or end-of-term on-site preventative maintenance service.
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monter sikkert på toppen av stativet

The PR-500X™ Platform Riser enables you to reach to the top of any rack without hitting overhead obstructions.
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tilbehør til utvidelse av serverheiseplattform

PL-500X® Platform Extension brings the reach of any ServerLIFT® machine down to the floor.
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LE-500X ™ Lift Extension hjelper med å løfte tungt IT-utstyr av paller og ut av esker.
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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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