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Military Veterans: The Untapped Pool of Data Center Staffing Talent

solider saluting in front of American flag

If you’re running a data center, you know how important it is to be adaptable. That means recognizing valuable opportunities when they come along. Whether it’s due to employee turnover, attrition, labor market conditions, or your competition, keeping your data center properly staffed is always a challenge. There is, however, a fantastic and mostly untapped … Les mer

Questions You Should Ask Your Data Center Lift Provider

Questions You Should Ask Your Data Center Lift Provider

There are many ways to lift a server. But only one way to safely lift a server.  The good old-fashioned two-hands method is always available. But it is  always a safety risk and a drain on resources.  Some try warehouse lifts, but these machines are designed for rough and tumble warehouse tasks as opposed to … Les mer

4 Reasons to Optimize Your Data Center Budget

4 Reasons to Optimize Your Data Center Budget

If you’re a data center manager, the tension between maximizing data center efficiency and staying within your data center budget is constant. One of the goals is to focus on CapEx expenditures that deliver clear ROI. Many CapEx investments don’t give immediate returns. However, our customers tell us that one investment that has delivered both … Les mer

Current Status of Global Shipping and Fulfillment

Shipping container in urban area

COVID-19 significantly impacted—and is still impacting—global shipping and fulfillment. Those involved in the global supply chain had to make quick changes in an environment of lockdowns and restrictions, to try to get manufacturers and retailers the products they needed as quickly as possible. But big challenges exist. Many of these challenges have been 20 years … Les mer

5 Data Center Trends in 2021

5 Data Center Trends in 2021

Emerging technologies are defining the needs of public and private data centers, including edge computing, AI, IoT, data analytics, and process-intensive High Performance Computing, or HPC, which is typical of supercomputers used to do large-scale computations. Although all data centers are unique, they will all be affected by some combination of these trends gaining ground … Les mer

Deploy Your Data Center Management Tools Company-Wide: Here’s Why

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It’s best to purchase data center infrastructure management tools at once for the entire organization whenever possible. And companies that run data centers can save significant time and money when purchasing this way from ServerLIFT. End-user spending on global data center infrastructure is projected to climb to $200 billion this year. Choosing to deploy to … Les mer

What Is a Hybrid Cloud, And Do I Want One?

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There is a lot of buzz surrounding hybrid cloud in the IT industry lately. It’s referred to as the ultimate in a future-ready infrastructure and touted as a total private data-control solution. We’re taking a closer look at hybrid cloud to separate hype from fact. Below we’ll define a hybrid cloud architecture and how it … Les mer

Why SL-350X Data Center Lifts Aren’t The Worst Choice For Your DC

people working in data centers with hurt backs from heavy lifting

There are plenty of machines people adopt for handling IT equipment in data centers. But most of those products were designed to do totally different types of work than what’s required for expensive servers in high-tech data centers. People who have been injured lifting a heavy server or have damaged that server know how easy … Les mer

Time To Update Your Servers? A Helpful List.

Use this Server Refresh Checklist and Keep Your Operations Running Smoothly IT servers and other rack-mounted equipment may be new today, but obsolete tomorrow. In fact, enterprise technology churn comes up quickly for a lot of data center managers. Waiting too long to replace or update servers can result in lost manufacturer support, putting your … Les mer

Five Critical Data Center Safety Considerations

A Top Five Data Center Safety Checklist for the Modern Era

Objectively speaking, a data center can be a dangerous place. There are tightly-knit cables and wires, and thousands of live, high-voltage electrical components. And there are acts of nature that can seriously affect data center operations, such as solar flares, major fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes. Data centers are also increasing in size in … Les mer

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Datasenterets migrasjonsveiledning

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Datasenterets sikkerhetsveiledning

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Beste praksis for å flytte IT-avdelingen i datasenteret

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Beste praksis for håndtering av datasenterutstyr

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Handlingsplan for handlingsplan for datasenterkonsolidering

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