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Zalety wynajmu wind centrum danych

Zalety wynajmu wind centrum danych

When to  Rent a ServerLIFT® Data Center Lift It’s no secret that every data center needs at least one of our data center equipment lifts for regular operations. Financially, safety-wise, and from a productivity standpoint, it just makes sense. Whether you’re in a company-owned data center, colocation space, or edge facility, having a ServerLIFT® machine … Czytaj więcej

Dystansowanie i obsługa serwerów społecznościowych

Dystansowanie i obsługa serwerów społecznościowych

As you are well aware, data center operations are basically a set of systems and workflows which maintain adequate uptime and connectivity. The nature of IT ops relies on steady monitoring and maintenance of these systems and workflows—no matter the events taking place outside the DC doors. With calls to practice social distancing, how must … Czytaj więcej

In the Data Center: Is Safe, Safe Enough?

Data Center Equipment Safety Matters: Pt. 2

It may come as little surprise that at ServerLIFT headquarters, the majority of our conversations revolve around data center safety. It’s the reason we originally designed the ServerLIFT data center lift. No one had made anything like it before. We saw a clear need for a lift that could function effectively in the data center environment without putting anyone at risk.

Data Center Equipment Safety Matters: Here’s Why

data center equipment safety matters

Historically, the data center industry has been resistant to stagnation. Year over year, it sees tremendous growth and advancement. The Cisco Global Cloud Index shows sustained trends in both data center virtualization and cloud computing, with growth in nearly every associated sector. This positive news extends through 2021, when “data center storage installed capacity will … Czytaj więcej

Data Center Lift Cost and the Hidden ROI

data center lift cost and the hidden ROI

Anyone who has used a purpose-built server handling lift in data center operations immediately understands how it provides convenience and improvements in data center safety and efficiency. However, when purchasing a purpose-built data center lift, it is easy to miss the hidden and ongoing cost savings. To get approval for an assisted lifting device, your … Czytaj więcej

Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics

May 2012 Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics Survey: An anonymous study was conducted to determine the number of data center injury and damage from dropped server equipment that occurs in data centers. Out of the 113 participants, 89 answered that they have worked or interfaced within a data center in the past five years. … Czytaj więcej

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Przewodnik po migracji centrum danych

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Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych

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Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące przenoszenia działu IT w Data Center

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Najlepsze praktyki obsługi urządzeń w centrach danych

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plan działania na rzecz konsolidacji centrów danych

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Zakup urządzenia do podnoszenia centrum danych