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ServerLIFT uhonorowany jako „Ekspert-eksporter” przez Sun Corridor EDGE

ServerLIFT® Honored as “Expert Exporter” by Sun Corridor EDGE

ServerLIFT® was just honored as an “Expert Exporter” by the 2018 Sun Corridor “Economic Development for the Global Economy” (EDGE) Program. On April 27th, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) presented the honor to the data center lift manufacturer. MAG serves as the regional planning agency for the metropolitan Phoenix area. MAG assistant director, Amy St. Peter,

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ServerLIFT nominowany do nagrody Celebration of Innovation Award 2013 - najbardziej innowacyjny produkt w Arizonie

ServerLIFT® Nominated for Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Award in 2013 – Most Innovative Product in Arizona

Phoenix based ServerLIFT® Corporation is pleased to announce that it is a finalist for the 2013 Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Award. Presented by the Arizona Technology Council in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority, the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Award honors innovative companies in the technology industry that are based in Arizona. “We listen to

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ServerLIFT Uznany przez Inc. 500 | 5000 w 2013 r

ServerLIFT® Recognized by Inc. 500 | 5000 in 2013

ServerLIFT® Corporation has been honored by Inc. Magazine for the second year in a row, joining the prestigious list of the Inc. 500 | 5000 fastest growing private companies in America. ServerLIFT®’s 2013 ranking significantly improved over last year from 85th to 39th overall among manufacturing companies. With a three-year growth of241%, ServerLIFT® continues to demonstrate a strong presence

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ServerLIFT dołącza do Fortune's Inner City 100 rozwijających się firm

ServerLIFT® Joins Fortune’s Inner City 100 Growing Companies

We are pleased to announce that ServerLIFT® Corporation has been recognized as one of Fortune Magazine’s 100 fastest-growing inner city businesses in the United States. ServerLIFT® Corporation is proud to be a member 2013 Inner 100 List selected by Fortune Magazine and the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC). The individual rankings for each winning company

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ServerLIFT otrzymuje nagrodę Global Business Award

ServerLIFT® Receives Global Business Award

The Arizona District Export Council awarded ServerLIFT® with the 2012 Excellence in Global Business Award during the 8th annual International State of the State event. Business leaders from all over Arizona gathered to celebrate achievements and discuss international business opportunities. CEO Ray Zuckerman accepted the award on behalf of ServerLIFT® Corporation. Founded in 2002, ServerLIFT® has already established itself in

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ServerLIFT Inc 500 Jedna z najszybciej rozwijających się prywatnych firm w Amercii 2012

ServerLIFT® Joins the 2012 Inc. 500|5000

ServerLIFT® Is One of Inc. 500 | 5000 Fastest-Growing Companies In America! We are proud to inform you that ServerLIFT® has joined the 2012 Inc. 500|5000 list of fastest growing companies in America. For more than 30 years, Inc. has celebrated the fastest-growing private companies in America based on their significant revenue growth over a

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Dlaczego nasi klienci polegają na SERVERLIFT®

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Pobierz naszą DARMOWĄ białą księgę „Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych”

Czy starasz się stworzyć odpowiednie, realistyczne wytyczne bezpieczeństwa dla swojego centrum danych lub obiektu kolokacji? W tym bezpłatnym przewodniku przedstawiono standardy operacyjne wymagane do osiągnięcia bezpiecznego środowiska pracy 100%.


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plan działania na rzecz konsolidacji centrów danych

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Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych

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Przewodnik po migracji centrum danych

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Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące przenoszenia działu IT w Data Center

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Najlepsze praktyki obsługi urządzeń w centrach danych

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Zakup urządzenia do podnoszenia centrum danych