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Data Center Design: Server Rack Equipment

Loading servers into a rack requires time and planning. When it comes to data center design layouts, common server rack and data center equipment mistakes can be avoided by proper planning and preparation. Having a plan or even a data center migration checklist will save time and resources. The reason for this is that an … Czytaj więcej

How And Where To Place Data Center Equipment

ServerLIFT® simplifies hardware equipment relocation in data center migration. But how do you know HOW and WHERE to place the equipment? When we heard about ServerLIFT®, we thought – what a brilliant, simple, elegant idea. This will drastically decrease personal injury and server damage, speed up the server placement and removal process and generally make … Czytaj więcej

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Przewodnik po migracji centrum danych

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Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych

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Najlepsze praktyki obsługi urządzeń w centrach danych

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plan działania na rzecz konsolidacji centrów danych

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Zakup urządzenia do podnoszenia centrum danych