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ServerLIFT® Partners with Educational Institutions

ServerLIFT partners with educational institutions to enhance their model or working data center environments for students in data center technician or data center operations programs.

This gives students hands-on experience of what it’s like to work in data center operations in the real world. 

ServerLIFT brings extensive expertise in data center operations with a safety-first mindset, so students get best-in-class training and experience.

ServerLIFT provides coursework for students in data center ops or data center tech curriculum
Group of young business people it engineer in network server room solving problems and give help and support
ServerLIFT provides coursework for data center work micro certifications

ServerLIFT’s partnership offerings include:

  • Data center lifts and attachments for practical hands-on use for students
  • Course curriculum(s) integration materials including:
    • Rack-mounted IT equipment handling protocols 
    • Proper lift and attachment operational procedures 
  • Coursework outlines for micro-certifications that can be offered to working professionals
  • ServerLIFT safety scholarships
  • Summer internships with ServerLIFT clients
  • Guest lectures on data center operational safety

Educational institutions provide:

  • Facility access to ServerLIFT staff and clients
  • Training and certification micro-credentialed courses at reduced rates ServerLIFT may resell to its clients

If your educational institution would like to explore a data center partnership with ServerLIFT, Skontaktuj się z nami!

Szafa SL-500FX na palecie Zainstaluj
ServerLIFT always has a safety-first mindset

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Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych

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Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące przenoszenia działu IT w Data Center

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Najlepsze praktyki obsługi urządzeń w centrach danych

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