ServerLIFT LE-Series Angkat Ekstensi

Membongkar Server dengan Mudah dari Box

The ServerLIFT LE-500X™ and LE-1000X™ Lift Extensions are used to safely lift and remove servers, switches, UPS devices, and other rack-mounted equipment out of boxes and off of pallets without destroying the packaging or straining your back. These critical tools free operators from ever having to manually unpack boxes or lift equipment ever again.

Angkat Peralatan IT Ke Rak

ServerLIFT® creates lifting solutions that are durable and designed for data center use. Two lift extension models are currently available to support IT equipment hardware weighing up to 700 lbs. (318 kg). With the LE-500X™ and LE-1000X™ lift extensions, handling heavy IT equipment from start to finish can be done safely and effectively. These lift extensions are popular attachments as a functional addition to our server handling solutions.

Membongkar Peralatan

Lain kali Anda menghadapi relokasi pusat data atau pembaruan server, pertimbangkan alat yang tepat untuk menghindari cedera dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan cepat.
  • Menghapus peralatan dengan aman dari karton dan tergelincir
  • Konstruksi baja ringan, namun tugas berat
  • Easy attachment and removal from ServerLIFT® side-loading machines
  • Termasuk bingkai ekstensi, dua sling, empat kait, dan tas penyimpanan

Kompatibilitas dan Manfaat

The LE-1000X™ Lift Extension is compatible with the SL-1000X® Angkat Tugas Super and is load-rated for up to 700 lbs. (318 kg).

The LE-500X™ Lift Extension is load-rated up to the maximum capacity of the lift with which it is being used. It is compatible with the SL-500X® Angkat Listrik (500 lbs. / 227 kg) dan SL-350X® Angkat Crank-Tangan (350 lbs. / 159 kg).

Both attachments have been designed for optimum functionality, safety, and ease of use. They extend out in front of the ServerLIFT® machine, providing ample clearance to position the hooks and slings over the top of servers in any box—even if the box is on a pallet.

ServerLIFT® Guarantee

The ServerLIFT LE-1000X™ and LE-500X™ Lift Extensions are backed by a worry-free, 30-day Money-Back Guarantee.  


menginstal server ke rel drop-in

RS-500X ™ Rail Lift mendukung dan memiringkan server ke sudut yang sempurna untuk meluruskan dan memandu nailhead server masuk atau keluar dari slot rel berbentuk-J.
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FE-3X Extended Shelf closeup of rack

The FE-3X™ Extended Shelf increases the server support of the SL-500FX™ Front Loader to a full 20 inches (50 cm) deep into the rack.
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instal dengan aman ke atas rak

The RL-500™ Platform Riser increases the reach of any ServerLIFT® by 8U and ensures that server installs are seamless and safe for all data center applications.
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aksesori ekstensi platform angkat server

ServerLIFT PL-500X® Platform Extension includes all the functionality of the LE-Series™ Lift Extensions, and gives you server support lower than the bottom of the rack...all the way to the floor.
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Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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Bicaralah dengan spesialis untuk menemukan solusi pengangkatan yang tepat untuk pusat data Anda.

Unduh kertas putih GRATIS kami, "Panduan Migrasi Pusat Data"

Mengoptimalkan produksi TI tergantung pada pembaruan dan pemeliharaan peralatan dan fasilitas pusat data Anda dengan benar. Manfaatkan buku panduan gratis kami untuk memvisualisasikan, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan migrasi pusat data.

Penutup Data-Pusat-Migrasi-Buku Panduan

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Panduan Migrasi Pusat Data

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Buku Panduan Keamanan Pusat Data

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Praktik Terbaik untuk Memindahkan Departemen TI di Pusat Data

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Praktik Terbaik untuk Penanganan Peralatan Pusat Data

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buku putih konsolidasi rencana aksi pusat data

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Membeli Perangkat Pengangkat Pusat Data