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Focus On Server Manufacturer: Supermicro

Supermicro sign on the side of one of their buildings

Founded & headquartered in the United States, Supermicro manufactures servers, networking devices, server management software, and other data center technologies. They also build high-end motherboards and workstations for data center, cloud computing, enterprise IT, big data, high-performance computing (HPC), and embedded markets (computer-based products designed for specific tasks versus computer products such designed for general-purpose … Lire la suite

Focus sur le fabricant du serveur : NEC

Focus sur le fabricant du serveur : NEC

Nippon Electric Company (NEC) was founded in Japan in 1899. W.T. Carlton, head of the Tokyo branch of Western Electric Company of Illinois, and Kunihiko Iwadare, the Japanese agent for products produced by WE, formed the company once Japan approved commercial enterprise for foreign companies. NEC was the first company to be affiliated with a … Lire la suite

Why SL-350X Data Center Lifts Aren’t The Worst Choice For Your DC

people working in data centers with hurt backs from heavy lifting

There are plenty of machines people adopt for handling IT equipment in data centers. But most of those products were designed to do totally different types of work than what’s required for expensive servers in high-tech data centers. People who have been injured lifting a heavy server or have damaged that server know how easy … Lire la suite

Comment installer les serveurs IBM Power Systems en 4 étapes faciles

Bannière du blog IBM Power Server

ServerLIFT® data center lifts can be used to transport, position, install, and remove any of the IBM Power series of rack-mounted servers. In addition, the ServerLIFT®-brand EB2Z IBM Lift Tool is an approved, specified solution for handling and installing IBM Power Systems equipment. Below, we’ve laid out precise instructions for installing an IBM Power Systems … Lire la suite

Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

ServerLIFT®: The Present ServerLIFT®’s mission is to provide the safest and most effective tools and solutions for the physical handling of rack-mounted IT equipment. This year, that mission became even more important. “2020 was a very challenging year. We can’t think about 2020 without noting the impact of COVID-19. We were concerned about how the pandemic … Lire la suite

Les avantages de la location d'ascenseurs pour datacenters

Les avantages de la location d'ascenseurs pour datacenters

When to  Rent a ServerLIFT® Data Center Lift It’s no secret that every data center needs at least one of our data center equipment lifts for regular operations. Financially, safety-wise, and from a productivity standpoint, it just makes sense. Whether you’re in a company-owned data center, colocation space, or edge facility, having a ServerLIFT® machine … Lire la suite

10 meilleures façons d'éviter les temps d'arrêt

10 meilleures façons d'éviter les temps d'arrêt

Les gestionnaires et opérateurs de centres de données connaissent bien la menace imminente de temps d'arrêt inutiles. Malgré les avancées technologiques dans le domaine de l'infrastructure informatique, elles constituent un phénomène courant. Le Ponemon Institute a évalué le coût d'une minute de temps d'arrêt dans le centre de données à $5 600 en 2010 et à $7 900 en 2013. Cela a maintenant atteint une moyenne de plus de 1 TP28 000 par minute. Pour le Fortune 100, la perte de temps d'arrêt imprévus coûte jusqu'à $2,5 milliards par an.

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Guide de migration du centre de données

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Guide de sécurité du centre de données

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Meilleures pratiques pour déplacer le service informatique dans le centre de données

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Meilleures pratiques pour la gestion de l'équipement du centre de données

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plan d'action de consolidation du centre de données livre blanc

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Achat d'un appareil de levage pour centre de données