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Envío y Entrega

Envío y Entrega

ServerLIFT® offers several ways to fulfill orders around the globe. All orders are shipped from our Phoenix, Arizona-based warehouse.

ServerLIFT® Envío

ServerLIFT® will ship directly to your desired destination in most countries worldwide. This is the method that we strongly recommend to minimize the risk of damage. By handling every shipment of goods with our own experienced carriers and insuring them with our own freight policy, shipments are maximally protected against shipping losses.

We also offer the following services upon request:

  • City/Box Truck (if the destination facility cannot receive a full size tractor trailer)
  • Lift Gate (if the destination facility does not have a loading dock or forklift)
  • Inside Delivery (into the desired location in the building)
  • Unpacking (includes packaging disposal)
  • Floor Covering
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Stamped Certificates of Origin
  • New & Used Declaration
  • Importer of Record Services

For destinations within contiguous North America, shipping terms are FOB Destination, Prepaid, Add, & Handling.

For International destinations, the following shipping terms (Incoterms 2023) are available for Ocean or Air shipping*:

  • DAT (Delivered at Terminal)
  • DAP (Delivered at Place)
  • DDP (Delivered, Duty Paid)
  • CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) – Ocean freight only

* All shipping is prepaid, add, and handling

Within the contiguous United States and most of Canada, shipments typically delivery in 3-14 business days (depending on the destination). International shipments take longer and times depend much more heavily on the destination and available sailing or airline schedules.

Customer Self-Ship (Exworks)

Some customers prefer to ship with their own carrier(s).  While this is always an option, it is highly discouraged.  Based on our experience the incidence of mishandling and damage with self-shipments is very high.

If choosing the self-ship, the customer is fully responsible for:

  • Completing and providing ServerLIFT® with all necessary paperwork (other than the packing slip) at least 24hrs before the pickup day,
  • Arranging, scheduling and confirming the pickup pickup with their carrier directly (ServerLIFT® is not able to call in the arrangements),
  • The handling of the goods by their carrier.

Delivery and Acceptance

Upon delivery, the customer must inspect the goods.

If there is any external evidence of shipping damage or mishandling, the customer should follow this procedure:

  1. Take pictures of and document the evidence
  2. Contact ServerLIFT immediately
  3. Document the evidence on the carrier’s paperwork
  4. Determine if the damage is likely to have affected the goods inside the box.
    1. If the damage is extensive, reject the delivery.
    2. If the goods inside might not be damaged, open the box and inspect the goods inside for evidence of damage.
    3. Document any internal evidence of damage.
  5. If the goods are acceptable (i.e. the delivery is not being rejected), sign off on (accept delivery) the carrier’s paperwork.

All delivered goods must be fully unpacked, inspected (according to the documentation in the Operator’s Manual), and tested within 3-5 days of receipt of the goods.


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