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Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition

Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition   Happy Friday readers! I thought I would start this week’s post by telling you how thrilled I am to see comments starting to appear on the posts and watching our reader count climb! It’s great to know that we’re providing you with articles you find interesting or informative! I … Læs mere

Data Center as a Service (DCaaS)

When and Why to Turn to a Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) Provider Data center as a service (DCaaS) is the provision of offsite physical data center infrastructure and facilities to clients, but does it benefit an organization or business more than having their own facility? Some companies find it more beneficial to lease … Læs mere

Uptime Data Center Tier Standards

What Tier Standard Does Your Data center Live up to?   The Uptime data center tier standards are a standardized methodology used to determine availability in a facility. The Uptime Institute established the data center tier system, which offers companies a way to measure their performance and return on investment (ROI). The standards consist of … Læs mere

Datacenterinfrastrukturstyring (DCIM)

Infrastructure Management of Data Center: Datacenter Game Changer Data Center Infrastructure Management tager industrien med storm. Det er forudsagt, at 60% af virksomheder i 2014 vil have implementeret brugen af DCIM; et stort spring fra den lette 1% i 2010. Med statistikker som disse er der ingen tvivl om, at ... Læs mere

Datacenter Sikkerhed

Datacenter-sikkerhed: Lad os blive fysiske ... Lad os være ærlige, hvor sikkert er dit datacenter? Dine oprindelige tanker går måske som "det er jernbelagt, Fort Knox for alle datacentre, intet kan muligvis være mere sikkert." Og praktisk talt, ja, du er klar til alt. Du har sandsynligvis firewalls, VPN-gateways, indtrængende detektionssystemer, overvågning ... Læs mere

Thermal Energy Storage Technology in Data Centers for Cooling Servers

How One Data Center is Using New Thermal Energy Storage Technology:   Google Embraces Thermal Storage in Taiwan for Cooling Data Center As part of Google’s ongoing efforts to cut costs and save power in its custom-built data centers, it will cool the servers in its new Taiwanese computing facility using a technique known as … Læs mere

Modular Data Center Designs, More Than Just a Trend?

Modular Data center Designs: It’s been more than five years since the unveiling of Sun’s Blackbox data center and modular designs are becoming more synonymous in the industry and with high-performance and cloud computing. Running servers in shipping containers was initially viewed as a niche play by many in the data center industry, limited to … Læs mere

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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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Vejledningen til datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til at flytte IT-afdelingen i Datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til håndtering af datacenterudstyr

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handlingsplan for konsolidering af datacentre hvidbog

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Købe en Løfteenhed til datacenter