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Focus on Colocation Data Center Provider – CyrusOne

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CyrusOne is a company that specializes in reliable enterprise-class, carrier-neutral data center properties. They ensure the continued operation of IT infrastructure for more than 500 customers. CyrusOne’s colocation data centers are flexible, reliable, and provide the high level of security that enterprise customers require. They are committed to transparency, communication, management, and service delivery throughout … Læs mere

Colocation Data Center Benefits

Colocation Data Center Benefits

If you’re running any kind of company today, you are depending on your servers and other power-hungry IT equipment components to be running reliably—including your company’s software applications, web/network traffic, email, and file storage.  Whether you’re a sole proprietor, small startup, or larger, well-established enterprise, you have a few options. One possibility is to keep … Læs mere

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