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Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition

Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition


Happy Friday readers! I thought I would start this week’s post by telling you how thrilled I am to see comments starting to appear on the posts and watching our reader count climb! It’s great to know that we’re providing you with articles you find interesting or informative! I would love your feedback on the blog and what you would like to see talked about in the future, so don’t be afraid to leave a comment. After all, the purpose of our blog is to post about things and news that you want to read about!

With that said, this week’s Funny Friday video was created by Microsoft and is called “Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition”. It’s a spoof on the hit TV show, “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” hosted by Ty Pennington and is pretty hilarious. If you like the TV show, you’ll find this video especially entertaining.

As always, have a safe and relaxing weekend!

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