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ServerLIFT® Partners


There are three primary options for purchasing a genuine ServerLIFT® server-handling lift.

ServerLIFT® Corporation is based in Phoenix, AZ, and ships internationally. It may be wiser, however, to make a purchase directly from one of our distribution partners. The list below details the distributors maintaining stock across the globe. Finally, resellers are also available to answer questions and serve as a support system throughout the purchasing process.

Contact the ServerLIFT® support team for the most efficient way to buy one of our bestselling data center lifts.

Logo of Rahi Systems Australia
Rahi Systems Australia
+61 2 8026 0166

Daxten (Den Europæiske Union)

44 20 8991 6200

Datumstruktur (Sydøstasien inkl. Japan, Korea, Hong Kong og Taiwan)

(65) 6749 0206

Dafnia Electronics (Mellemøsten og UAE)

00971 4 4519080

ByteBridge (China)
+86 400 8866 490


ServerLIFT® can work with any qualified reseller. Below is a sample of our existing network.

North America


Insight US
1-800-INSIGHT (467-4448)

Flydende pc (indkøb af CDW)

Software House International (SHI)

TVC Communications (Wesco International)


Wesco (Communication Supply Corp, Rahi & Anixter)


RLA Power (Latinamerika, Mexico, Panama)
506 2290 8824 eller 52-55-4161-4998

Hvorfor Vores kunder stoler på serverløft®

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