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ServerLIFT® Honored as “Expert Exporter” by Sun Corridor EDGE

ServerLIFT hædret som "Eksperteksportør" af Sun Corridor EDGE

ServerLIFT® was just honored as an “Expert Exporter” by the 2018 Sun Corridor “Economic Development for the Global Economy” (EDGE) Program. On April 27th, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) presented the honor to the data center lift manufacturer. MAG serves as the regional planning agency for the metropolitan Phoenix area. MAG assistant director, Amy St. Peter, … Læs mere

Data Center Lift Cost and the Hidden ROI

data center lift cost and the hidden ROI

Anyone who has used a purpose-built server handling lift in data center operations immediately understands how it provides convenience and improvements in data center safety and efficiency. However, when purchasing a purpose-built data center lift, it is easy to miss the hidden and ongoing cost savings. To get approval for an assisted lifting device, your … Læs mere

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