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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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8 AI-Driven Data Center Changes That Are Coming

The rapid rise of AI and its impact on our lives is a hot topic in the media. Many in the technology industry are wondering how AI will affect data centers. Because the demand for AI computing could impact everything from real estate to power needs to the supply chain, will the existing data center

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The 7 Top Data Center Trends for 2024

Data centers play a crucial role in allowing enterprises to process, access, and store mission-critical data for their daily operations. As the world sees technology evolve at an unprecedented pace, data centers are keeping up. The past year alone saw new data center technologies and concepts emerge, such as climate-conscious cooling.  Data centers are uniquely

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6 Weird Data Center Locations

Many data centers are located in or near metropolitan areas because of their proximity to customers and to potential employees. However, as available land diminishes in tech corridors and local governments and residents begin pushing back on additional development, data center providers are looking at alternative housing options for their facilities.  Unconventional locales are not

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5 Ways to Improve Data Center Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)

The push for greener and more efficient data centers is well underway. As a result, improving data center power usage effectiveness (PUE) is more important than ever.  There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but there are a few simple and successful methods that may help improve data center power usage effectiveness. Let’s dive into five PUE

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7 Common Security Threats for Data Centers

Data centers face challenges beyond maintaining equipment and software to maximize uptime, including data center security.  These security threats can take many forms, but a handful of attack vectors are favored by hackers and other bad actors. The following are seven of the most common threats that data centers face. The Data Center Security Threat

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Is Data Replication the Same as Data Backups?

Having a disaster recovery plan is vital. System failures and outages can happen at any time. Unfortunately, this downtime carries a lot of risk. Failures and data loss can mean noncompliance penalties, loss of revenue, and customer service interruptions. Understanding the differences between data replication and backups helps data center managers and specialists mitigate that

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9 Challenges That Data Centers Are Facing Now

In the best of times, managing and operating a data center can be rewarding and lucrative. The realities of what it takes to keep a data center healthy and profitable appear when challenges arise.  The world is currently experiencing economic uncertainty and data centers are grappling with their own economic challenges. With some foresight into

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Download vores GRATIS hvidbog "Handlingsplan for datacenterkonsolidering"

En korrekt udført handlingsplan for datacenterkonsolidering skitserer de effektive og skalerbare teknologier, der kan bruges til at øge produktionen og samtidig reducere driftsomkostningerne.


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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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handlingsplan for konsolidering af datacentre hvidbog

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Vejledningen til datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til at flytte IT-afdelingen i Datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til håndtering af datacenterudstyr

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Købe en Løfteenhed til datacenter