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Data Center Design: Planning Software for Data Center Operations

Most data centers today utilize modern planning software tools. These tools are a good way for an organization to optimize their data center and ensure that it will run without problems. Most of tools, when used properly, can actually prevent or minimize the occurrence of downtime. For some large data center operations this can amount … Детальніше

Data Center Design: Server Rack Equipment

Loading servers into a rack requires time and planning. When it comes to data center design layouts, common server rack and data center equipment mistakes can be avoided by proper planning and preparation. Having a plan or even a data center migration checklist will save time and resources. The reason for this is that an … Детальніше

How And Where To Place Data Center Equipment

ServerLIFT® simplifies hardware equipment relocation in data center migration. But how do you know HOW and WHERE to place the equipment? When we heard about ServerLIFT®, we thought – what a brilliant, simple, elegant idea. This will drastically decrease personal injury and server damage, speed up the server placement and removal process and generally make … Детальніше

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