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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

One-Button Convenience

A potential customer at a colocation data center said he had a lift on site. After some discussion, we were pretty sure it was one of the “warehouse lifts,” which tend to cause problems in data centers. Unlike our lifts, they are not specifically designed for data center use. He said they have to crank and crank it up and down, but that it eventually gets the job done. He did admit that it does not perform well with heavier equipment on it. He said that they are a very small data center and he is not sure he will be able to get approval for purchasing a data-center-centric lift. However, he did say, “Now, if you have one that has a button we can just push, then I’m listening!” I replied that we do actually have three models that are powered by one-touch lifting. He was very excited to get more information and present it to his team. He’s hoping he can get a ServerLIFT® solution, which they are using on their other sites.

Hvorfor våre kunder stoler på serverløft®

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