Migliorare il reclutamento e la fidelizzazione dei clienti nelle strutture Co-Lo

Sfruttare un dispositivo di sollevamento ServerLIFT è la tua mossa più intelligente di sempre.


Un servizio di colocation indispensabile

Giving your customers a ServerLIFT® lifting device is your smartest move yet.


La guida alla migrazione del data center

Scarica il nostro white paper GRATUITO, "La guida alla migrazione dei data center"

ServerLIFT® Can Improve Customer Recruitment and Retention in Co-Lo Facilities

Competition on cost defines the colocation facility space.

Your customers select you based, in part, on the potential to minimize the capital expenditures associated with building their own data center. However, in addition to saving on the cost of cooling, power, and bandwidth, they are also interested in physical safety and adherence to global standards.

Providing the right resources for the move shows them that you are serious about both safety e their bottom line.

The worldwide data center colocation market is expected to reach a value of $58.28 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 10.85% over the forecast period (2020 – 2025). Data center managers increasingly need to explore means to add value to their facilities to attract and retain clients.

Whether you are renting out space or offering fully managed services in your colocation facility, you need the best sales tools on hand. ServerLIFT® assisted lifting equipment for rack-mounted servers can improve both customer recruitment and retention as competition increases.

The Right Data Center Lift For Your Colocation Facility

How can facility owners and managers make sure their co-lo stands out? 

The benefits of placing a data center lift in your colocation facility are clear. These purpose-built devices give you clear competitive advantages.

Image of three ServerLIFT devices.A ServerLIFT® data center lift can handle up to 1.000 libbre (454 kg) of weight, depending on the model. It is custom-designed for moving colocation equipment in data centers. Keeping one (or more) in each of your colocation facilities sends a message:

  • La sicurezza fisica del cliente e la sicurezza della sua attrezzatura sono importanti per te e il tuo team.
  • Le tue strutture aderiscono standard globali.
  • Prestate attenzione all'innovazione e alla tecnologia all'avanguardia.
  • I tuoi servizi vanno ben oltre il livello di base fornito dai concorrenti.
  • Il valore aggiunto alla tua struttura ti rende una scelta convincente.


Think of a data center lift as physical proof that your staff places importance on the safety of every client walking through your doors, along with a clear sign of respect for their bottom line.

These devices also make it possible for your staff to complete work on the job in an expedient manner and without risk of injury.

In so many colocation facilities, larger moves and new customers create the need for rental equipment and extra staff/overtime. Keeping a data center lift on location means each transition takes minutes instead of hours or days, and requires a single operator instead of two or three. Utilizing lifting technology onsite does far more than protect arms, shoulders, and backs. It saves time and money, too.

Explore your data center lift options below to determine which is the optimal solution for your facility:


I nostri prodotti appositamente progettati dimostrano la tua dedizione alla qualità e alla tecnologia all'avanguardia.

Our customers request ServerLIFT® for expertly designed navigation of narrow aisles, tight corners, and floor and ceiling obstructions found in data center environments across the globe.

Technician transporting a server with a ServerLIFTdevice.A ServerLIFT® lifting device enables a single operator to transport, position, and install servers and other expensive supplies and switches without risking muscle strain or endangering others. 

Safety first. There is no substitution for a data center lift. It prevents risky manual handling of heavy equipment—and the injuries that result. It also helps workers avoid injuries from the rack-loaded equipment in every data center, which often have:

  • Bordi taglienti
  • Meccanismi di bloccaggio mal allineati
  • Componenti facili da piegare, delicati e facilmente danneggiabili

Further, when removing, transporting, and installing equipment, workers must navigate the colocation environment, which includes:

  • Corridoi stretti
  • Power, cooling, and network cabling throughout the DC
  • Racks with high and low positions—down to the floor and as high as 42U – 60U (6.1- 8.75 ft, 1.8669 – 2.67m)
  • Pavimentazione rialzata e forata
  • Livelli di rumore costanti in grado di compromettere l'udito
  • Cablaggio elettrico e alta tensione

Technician transporting larger server inside a data center.

In spite of all these dangers, our customers report that their data centers are 100% accident-free after their purchase and use of a ServerLIFT® data center lift. They are able to move equipment around safely and efficiently. 

Co-lo facility managers can read more about ServerLIFT® products and attachments by clicking Qui.

Complimentary Signage For Your Colocation Facility

Warning labels which read “Danger: Energized Equipment” or “High Voltage” are helpful, but fail to address safety when moving equipment around the facility. Managers focused on providing data center safety guidelines know they need to provide additional information so that work can be done safely, without management supervision. 

An important note: The responsibility for properly marking dangerous equipment within a data center lies with the DC owner, not the manufacturer or installer. Warning labels should provide enough information to alert workers and inform them of the proper ways to comply with safety standards. 

ServerLIFT® offers our own safety signage free of charge; Contattaci if they are needed for your business.

Why Our Customers Rely On ServerLIFT®

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Parla con uno specialista per trovare la giusta soluzione di sollevamento per il tuo data center.

Scarica il nostro white paper GRATUITO, "Best practice per la gestione delle apparecchiature dei data center"

L'uso di apparecchiature errate e l'ignoranza degli standard di sicurezza all'interno del proprio data center può avere un costo incalcolabile. La nostra guida gratuita illustra in dettaglio come evitare infortuni e implementare l'attrezzatura giusta per i progetti giusti.


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La guida alla migrazione del data center

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Best practice per la gestione delle apparecchiature dei data center

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La guida alla sicurezza del Data Center

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Best practice per lo spostamento del reparto IT nel Data Center

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white paper sul piano d'azione per il consolidamento dei data center

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Acquisto di un dispositivo di sollevamento del data center