WS-1X Mensola larga 17 "

Costruito per supportare server di grandi dimensioni

The WS-1X™ Wide Shelf is a 17″-(43.2 cm) wide plate attachment that provides additional shelf surface area to fully support servers across their entire width. Designed for uncrating and installing the NVIDIA DGX-2 and the NVIDIA DGX A100, it supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-1X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.


Progettato per l'uso con i server NVIDIA DGX-2 e NVIDIA DGX A100


Icona Cornici struttura laterale

Telai con struttura laterale

Icona del peso di 500 libbre

Passa a 227 kg (500 libbre)

Compatibile con Nvidia DGX-2


La superficie aggiuntiva dello scaffale supporta pienamente i server pesanti

The WS-1X™ Wide Shelf is an attachment built for the ServerLIFT SL-500X®. È stato creato secondo specifiche rigorose tenendo presente NVIDIA DGX-2. Il DGX-2 è the world’s first 2 petaFLOPS system that combines 16 interconnected GPUs. ServerLIFT® is designing new devices and attachments to meet the operational handling challenges of the newest equipment featuring unprecedented levels of computing power.

Il SL-500X® Ascensore elettrico and WS-1X™ Wide Shelf combo provides the perfect amount of support for servers with side-structural frames such as the NVIDIA DGX-2.

La quantità perfetta di supporto per server con frame laterali (come NVIDIA DGX-2)

The WS-1X™ Wide Shelf handles up to 500 lbs (227 kg) for extended support for wider servers.

  • Compatible with the ServerLIFT SL-500X®, SL-1000X®, e SL-350X® ascensori per data center
  • Offre un supporto più ampio per server e server più ampi con frame strutturali laterali
  • Supporta 227 kg (500 lbs) al centro, 136 kg (300 lbs) al bordo laterale
  • Misura 23,94 "(60,8 cm) per 17,25" (43,8 cm)
  • Viene fornito con quattro viti di fissaggio e una chiave esagonale da 6 mm

Unboxing del server NVIDIA DGX-2

How to unbox the NVIDIA DGX-2 server and prepare it for install using the ServerLIFT SL-500X® data center lift with the WS-1X™ Wide Shelf attachment.

Unboxing del server NVIDIA DGX-2

Come decomprimere il server NVIDIA DGX-2 e prepararlo per l'installazione utilizzando l'ascensore per data center ServerLIFT SL-500X con l'allegato WS-1X Wide Shelf.

Installazione del server NVIDIA DGX-2

How to install an NVIDIA DGX-2 server using a ServerLIFT SL-500X® data center lift and WS-1X™ Wide Shelf attachment.

Installazione del server NVIDIA DGX-2

Come installare un server NVIDIA DGX-2 utilizzando un ascensore per data center ServerLIFT SL-500X e un collegamento a scaffale largo WS-1X.


Try the WS-2X™ Wide Shelf (Bigger) or WS-3X™ Wide Shelf (Biggest)


The WS-2X™ Wide Shelf is a 21″-wide (53.3 cm) plate attachment that can provide even more shelf surface area to fully support servers with side-structural frames across their entire width. It supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-2X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.


The WS-3X™ Wide Shelf is a 30″-wide (76.2 cm) plate attachment with the most shelf surface area available to fully support servers with side-structural frames across their entire width. It supports up to 500 lbs (227 kg) at the center and 300 lbs (136 kg) at the extended side edge. The WS-3X™ is compatible with all side-loading ServerLIFT® models.


ServerLIFT® Attachment Options Compatibility specificazioni Measurements
WS-1XTM Wide Shelf
SL-500X® Data Center Lift
SL-1000X® Data Center Lift
SL-350X® Data Center Lift
Supports 500 lbs
(227 kg) at the center,
300 lbs (136 kg) at
the side edge
17.25” (43.8 cm) by
23.94” (60.8 cm)
WS-2XTM Wide Shelf
SL-500X® Data Center Lift
SL-1000X® Data Center Lift
SL-350X® Data Center Lift
Supports 500 lbs
(227 kg) at the center,
300 lbs (136 kg) at
the side edge
21.25” (53.98 cm) by
23.94” (60.8 cm)
WS-3XTM Wide Shelf
SL-500X® Data Center Lift
SL-1000X® Data Center Lift
SL-350X® Data Center Lift
Supports 500 lbs
(227 kg) at the center,
300 lbs (136 kg) at
the side edge
30” (76.2 cm) by
23.94” (60.8 cm)

ServerLIFT® Guarantee

The WS-1X™, WS-2X™, and WS-3X™ Wide Shelf attachments are all backed by a worry-free, 30-day Money-Back Guarantee.


installazione del server in binari drop-in

L'ascensore per rotaie RS-500X ™ supporta e inclina i server nell'angolazione perfetta per allineare e guidare le teste dei chiodi dei server all'interno o all'esterno degli slot per guide a forma di J.
Per saperne di più "

FE-3X Primo piano a scaffale esteso del rack

The FE-3X™ Extended Shelf increases the server support of the SL-500FX™ Front Loader to a full 20 inches (50 cm) deep into the rack.
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installare in modo sicuro nella parte superiore del rack

The RL-500™ Platform Riser increases the reach of a ServerLIFT® device by 8U and ensures that server installs are seamless and safe for all data center applications.
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accessorio estensione piattaforma di sollevamento server

ServerLIFT PL-500X® Platform Extension includes all the functionality of the LE-Series™ Lift Extensions, and gives you server support lower than the bottom of the rack...all the way to the floor.
Per saperne di più "

Why Our Customers Rely on ServerLIFT®

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