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Focus On Server Manufacturer: Oracle

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Oracle

Oracle is best known for making databases and computer applications accessible to the general public. In 1977 Larry Ellison and co-founders Bob Miner and Ed Oates founded Software Development Labs (the company later became Oracle).  Two years later, the trio went against prevailing trends by releasing the first commercial SQL relational database management system. This … Læs mere

Focus On Server Manufacturer: HPE

Hewlett Packard enterprises logo

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) was founded in a one-car garage in July of 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. The two became friends while attending Stanford University. Their origin story is referred to as “the original Silicon Valley startup” by the company in recognition of its roots—with many similar endeavors launching in … Læs mere

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