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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

Download vores GRATIS hvidbog, “The Data Center Migration Guidebook”

Focus On Server Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Focus‌ ‌Til ‌Server‌ ‌Fabrikant: ‌ ‌NVIDIA‌ ‌

Based in Santa Clara, California, NVIDIA was founded in 1993. Its three co-founders brought together design and engineering expertise to build a company known around the world for its accelerated and graphics-based computing solutions. Its name is based on the acronym “NV” or “next version,” and the Latin word for envy, “invidia.”  These days it’s

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Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

Fortid, nutid og fremtid for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

ServerLIFT®: The Present ServerLIFT®’s mission is to provide the safest and most effective tools and solutions for the physical handling of rack-mounted IT equipment. This year, that mission became even more important. “2020 was a very challenging year. We can’t think about 2020 without noting the impact of COVID-19. We were concerned about how the pandemic

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Big, Bigger, Biggest: The Hyperscale Data Center Evolution

Big, Bigger, Biggest: The Hyperscale Data Center Evolution

The data center industry is seeing the rapid growth of hyperscale data centers as it experiences massive pressure to process exponential increases in data. In the latest research from Technavio, the hyperscale data center market is expected to register a CAGR of over 21 percent during 2020-2024, with growth focused primarily on this continent. The

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Med serverproducent: IBM

Med serverproducent: IBM

As one of the largest computer technology companies on the planet, IBM manufactures its fair share of servers and other data center hardware. The company was founded in the late 1800s—originally named the Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company (CTR), founded by Herman Hollerith. The name IBM, which stands for International Business Machines, was coined in

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The Four Rules of Data Center Relocations

The Four Rules of Data Center Relocations

Some of the most common reasons for a data center relocation include: Applications are outgrowing existing infrastructure and increased capacity is needed Consolidation or moving equipment on-premises Switching from private cloud to other cloud solutions Moving to a shared/leased colocation facility  Merging or purchase by another company Whatever the reason for your pending move, the

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Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

Skyen er i sig selv et globalt fænomen. Men den stadigt stigende efterspørgsel efter skybaserede applikationer fra både virksomheder og forbrugere driver nye datacenter-fodaftrykstendenser. Mange teknologicentrerede operationer har været i et voldsomt tempo. Deres datacenterplaner strækker sig langt ind i de næste fem år. Deres vækst har det ikke

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Tjekliste: De otte nøglekomponenter i datasenterets sikkerhed

Datacentret er et højrisikomiljø, der kræver højtuddannet personale. En smart datacenters sikkerhedsplan er fantastisk at have. . . men nytteløst, hvis det ikke er korrekt implementeret. Den utrente eller dårligt uddannede ingeniør er således kryptonit for datasenterets sikkerhed; enhver sikkerhedskultur er kun så stærk som dit svageste led.

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Hvorfor Vores kunder stoler på serverløft®

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Tal med en specialist for at finde den rigtige løfteløsning til dit datacenter.

Download vores GRATIS hvidbog "Handlingsplan for datacenterkonsolidering"

En korrekt udført handlingsplan for datacenterkonsolidering skitserer de effektive og skalerbare teknologier, der kan bruges til at øge produktionen og samtidig reducere driftsomkostningerne.


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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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handlingsplan for konsolidering af datacentre hvidbog

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Vejledningen til datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til at flytte IT-afdelingen i Datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til håndtering af datacenterudstyr

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