Pověst o kvalitě je vydělána, není dána.
At ServerLIFT®, our goal is to deliver the optimal product and service for your data center. Our data center lifts and accessories are accompanied by the best customer service and the highest reputation for quality.
This process begins with our approach: that continual improvement means looking for innovation at every turn. And, of course, that a reputation for excellence must be earned every day. The system of checks and balances we have put into place continuously maintains and improves our standards.
Our audited, accredited system includes independent auditing bodies from around the world and represents multiple global certifications for manufacturing, safety, and management. To learn more about our certifications and standards, click here.
Náš proces začíná pravidelnými interními audity. Tyto audity zařízení jsou prováděny pravidelně spolu s audity interního dohledu. Auditujeme také naše dodavatele pomocí externích nezávislých kontrol kvality. Tím je zajištěno, že součásti, které přicházejí, splňují vysoké standardy našeho týmu a standardy našich klientů.
Jsme také auditováni externě, což zahrnuje itrik dodržování ISO 9001 for quality in manufacturing and ISO 14001 for minimizing our environmental impact. Any potentially hazardous materials, including batteries and winch motor oil, are strictly handled and disposed of or recycled according to accepted local regulations. In our facility, we maintain a robust recycling process.
Naše výrobky také podléhají elektromagnetické imunitě a testování emisí na CE akreditace. Konečně, UL representatives also perform spot checks.
Our components and subassemblies are inspected for quality during manufacturing, before storage, and before assembly into our products All products are tested for proper function before shipment. Our supply chain, production, and engineering teams are all involved in the process. This fine-tuned system ensures that we evaluate all manufacturing and delivery processes, and enables us to deliver ever-improving quality in our products.
Picking our distributors is a selective and discerning process. These partners represent ServerLIFT® in multiple regions and are sometimes the first point of contact for a potential customer.
Náš distributoři care about our clients and their specific needs. Data center owners and managers know that even within companies, no two data centers are alike and require customized assistance. Our distributors also have a comprehensive understanding of our data center lifting devices and how to best help our customers to benefit from them.
They must also maintain adequate stock in their geographic area so that you receive a quick delivery, along with excellent internal or third-party service and support. Our distribution partners are knowledgeable problem-solvers serving as a trusted extension of ServerLIFT® at all times. If a client wishes to work with a particular reseller, we will support that relationship as well.
Náš servisní a podpůrné týmy jsou připraveni na vaše dotazy a dotazy. Odpovědi na žádosti o pomoc jsou obvykle doručeny do několika hodin. Snažíme se vyřešit problém do 24-48 hodin, kdykoli je to možné. Naši zákazníci také získají přístup k lokalizované materiály ve španělštině a francouzštině, naše extended service contracts, a naše 30denní záruka vrácení peněz.
Each of these steps ensure that our highly specialized quality assurance results reach you, our customer. Pro další dotazy klikněte zde.
Vaše datové centrum je kriticky důležité a prostoje mohou znamenat desítky tisíc rozzlobených zákazníků a miliony ztrát. Náš bezplatný průvodce vám pomůže identifikovat správné nástroje pro efektivní předcházení prostojům jako správce datového centra.
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