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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

data center lift

Sigh. There’s That Red Tape Again

We’ve been working with a customer for some time about a rental they urgently needed onsite the week before the holidays. Of course we encouraged them to get their order in early, but not every company can push purchase orders through the red tape so easily. They finally sent it in. We pulled strings and did what we could to make sure they had it onsite on time. If you know that these types of purchases can get hung up in the approval process, we’re sure you will do everything you can to get it through, and we will do everything we can to help you. Let us know as early as you can, and we will provide anything we can to smooth the process at your end. And if there is anything we can do to help in this regard, in general, just let us know!

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