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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

Data Center Lift Height

How High Do Our Lifts Go?

One of the questions we are happy to answer is “how high do your lifts go”? The real answer is, “As high as you need them to!” Our most popular push-button lift, the SL-500X®, goes up to 52U (8 feet, or 2.44 meters). Our heavy-duty push-button lift, the SL-1000X®, designed for today’s heavier data center equipment, reaches rack positions of up to 56U (8.75 feet, or 2.67 meters). And our hand-cranked lift, the SL-350X®, which is best for occasional use, goes up to 52U (8 feet, or 2.44 meters). And, if you need your lift to go even higher, you may want to consider our RL-500™ Platform Riser attachment, which expands the capability of any of our lifts to more than 58U high. All of our lifts give you precise positioning when removing or installing equipment into a rack, clear floor obstructions, can go through standard doorways and elevators, and have robust, dependable brakes. No wonder our customers report a 100% accident-free record after they start using our lifts in their data centers.

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