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Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

ServerLIFT®: The Present ServerLIFT®’s mission is to provide the safest and most effective tools and solutions for the physical handling of rack-mounted IT equipment. This year, that mission became even more important. “2020 was a very challenging year. We can’t think about 2020 without noting the impact of COVID-19. We were concerned about how the pandemic … Czytaj więcej

Big, Bigger, Biggest: The Hyperscale Data Center Evolution

Big, Bigger, Biggest: The Hyperscale Data Center Evolution

The data center industry is seeing the rapid growth of hyperscale data centers as it experiences massive pressure to process exponential increases in data. In the latest research from Technavio, the hyperscale data center market is expected to register a CAGR of over 21 percent during 2020-2024, with growth focused primarily on this continent. The … Czytaj więcej

The Four Rules of Data Center Relocations

The Four Rules of Data Center Relocations

Some of the most common reasons for a data center relocation include: Applications are outgrowing existing infrastructure and increased capacity is needed Consolidation or moving equipment on-premises Switching from private cloud to other cloud solutions Moving to a shared/leased colocation facility  Merging or purchase by another company Whatever the reason for your pending move, the … Czytaj więcej

The Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

The Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

The cloud is, by its very nature, a global phenomenon. But the ever-increasing demand for cloud-based applications, by both businesses and consumers, is driving new data center footprint trends.  Many tech-centric operations have been building at a breakneck pace. Their data center construction plans extend well into the next five years. Their growth has not … Czytaj więcej

Lista kontrolna: osiem kluczowych elementów bezpieczeństwa centrów danych

The data center is a high-risk environment requiring highly trained personnel. A smart data center safety plan is great to have . . . but useless if it’s not properly implemented. Thus, the untrained or poorly trained engineer is kryptonite for data center safety; any safety culture is only as strong as your weakest link. … Czytaj więcej

Jedyne udogodnienie kolokacyjne, które daje przewagę

windy centrum danych

Colocation facilities offer a myriad of benefits for companies looking for the appropriate data center hosting partner. Recently, we discussed the growing popularity of the colo facility model and its five primary advantages. Potential customers seek out colo partnerships to maximize their ROI and focus on their core competencies. As the colocation market grows, amenities … Czytaj więcej

Zalety wynajmu wind centrum danych

Zalety wynajmu wind centrum danych

When to  Rent a ServerLIFT® Data Center Lift It’s no secret that every data center needs at least one of our data center equipment lifts for regular operations. Financially, safety-wise, and from a productivity standpoint, it just makes sense. Whether you’re in a company-owned data center, colocation space, or edge facility, having a ServerLIFT® machine … Czytaj więcej

Skorzystaj z windy Data Center lub zrób to ręcznie? Który lepszy?

The value of a data center lift lies in what it prevents. The injuries that are not only possible but probable when an operator attempts to lift a server on their own represent an expensive risk. We know this, and yet, highly trained DC tech workers are still manually lifting heavy, expensive IT equipment in … Czytaj więcej

FAQ: Co to jest winda centrum danych?

FAQ: Co to jest winda centrum danych?

Q: What is a data center lift? A: A data center lift is a machine that is used to lift and install servers and other IT equipment inside data centers. It differs from any other material-handling lift because it is purpose-built to function within any data center environment, including movement through narrow (3ft. or less) … Czytaj więcej

Kobiety w centrum danych: znalezienie szansy

Kobiety w centrum danych: znalezienie szansy

March was Women’s History Month, a marker of particular significance in the tech world. We thought this was a good time to highlight the vast opportunities in tech which can be filled by a wider range of candidates, including women. The data center market is predicted to grow by over $300 billion globally by 2024. … Czytaj więcej

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Przewodnik po migracji centrum danych

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Przewodnik bezpieczeństwa centrum danych

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Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące przenoszenia działu IT w Data Center

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Najlepsze praktyki obsługi urządzeń w centrach danych

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plan działania na rzecz konsolidacji centrów danych

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Zakup urządzenia do podnoszenia centrum danych