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9 Challenges That Data Centers Are Facing Now

In the best of times, managing and operating a data center can be rewarding and lucrative. The realities of what it takes to keep a data center healthy and profitable appear when challenges arise.  The world is currently experiencing economic uncertainty and data centers are grappling with their own economic challenges. With some foresight into … Lire la suite

5 Steps to Make Your Data Center More Sustainable

5 Steps to Make Your Data Center More Sustainable

Is it possible to operate a green data center? Determining how to achieve such a lofty goal presents challenges to even the most ecologically minded data center directors.  Data centers churn through massive amounts of energy to support the millions of users who rely on them. In 2020, data centers accounted for one percent of … Lire la suite

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Guide de migration du centre de données

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Guide de sécurité du centre de données

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Meilleures pratiques pour déplacer le service informatique dans le centre de données

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Meilleures pratiques pour la gestion de l'équipement du centre de données

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plan d'action de consolidation du centre de données livre blanc

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