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ServerLIFT® News | November 2023

You’ve probably seen gratitude and thankfulness lists popping up this month on social media, but here at ServerLIFT® we stay in a grateful mindset all year long. We count our blessings continually, and among those we cherish the most are our customers. Our customers are why we come to work each day: to build the safest data center lifts and to serve our customers in any way we are able. Thank you!

1. 9 Challenges for Data Centers Now

Data centers are facing some unique challenges that may seem to be daunting but can be successfully met with strategic foresight and agile adaptability.

2. The Practicality of Wireless Data Centers

Wireless data centers have some great potential benefits, but the challenges of throughput, security, and network interference may not make them practical on a wide scale.

3. Our Electric Lifts Can Be Powered Anywhere!

An Asian client wanted to upgrade its lifts but wondered if our electric lifts could be powered with a 230-V single-phase power supply. We were pleased to answer that our electric lifts plug into any 120-240V outlet, so they can be used all over the globe!

4. How Fast Can You Get a Customized Quote for a ServerLIFT® Device?

In as little as 10 minutes, during our normal business hours in Phoenix, AZ! Our Client Services team is dedicated to helping you with the right data center lift solution and getting you a quote quickly so you can get the purchase process started right away.

Our data center lifts make IT equipment moves easier and safer. But did you know that we offer pièces jointes that can make those moves even easier? Want to find out more? Call us at (602) 254-1557.


Restez en sécurité,

Ray Zuckerman, PDG

ServerLIFT Corporation



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