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Flexibles Logo

Chris Boyll, DC Manager, Flexible Rechenzentren

Chris Boyll with Flexential Data Centers discusses the benefits of having a ServerLIFT® solution for his data center operations


Joe M., US Government Agency

“We have had wonderful experience using our new ServerLIFT® device migrating our entire IT inventory (+100 servers, switches) to our new Data Center during the past 4 months. It is the best IT purchase I have made as the manager of our data center these past 20 years.”


Scott Siewert, Senior Systems Engineer,
Metropolitan Airports Commission

“We really rely on our ServerLIFT® data center lift. It was one of the best investments we made for our data centers. Thank you!”

Fenwick & West Logo

Dave Reno, IT-Manager, Fenwick & West LLP

“I was initially using a manual lift to move servers and other equipment. When the ServerLIFT® Als das elektrische Modell auf den Markt kam, war es eine noch bessere Lösung. Wenn ich einen Server habe, der installiert werden muss, und ich der Einzige bin, der verfügbar ist, kann ich ihn mit dem ServerLIFT schnell und einfach herunterfahren® unit.”

Amway Logo

Brad Gibbs, Lead Data Center Support, Amway

“The ServerLIFT® data center lift is a great product that is easy to use, and promotes safety within the data center. It is especially useful to us in our new data centers, where we have standardized on 9ft. racks. I was most pleased with how easily it allowed us to move and re-rack our large AS/400 systems during a limited outage window."

Novant Health mit Sitz in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, versorgt 14 medizinische Zentren. (PRNewsFoto / Novant Health)

Brian Gilbert, Senior Systems Engineer, Novant Health

“We have two ServerLIFT® units and absolutely rely on them. We use them for installing and removing everything from standalone servers to fully loaded blade chassis and disk arrays. A ServerLIFT® server-handling device is an absolutely essential tool for ensuring the safety of data center employees and simplifying normally difficult and time-consuming work in the data center.”

NCC Media Logo

David Smith, Direktor für Netzwerkdienste, NCC Media

“We love our ServerLIFT® solution here at NCC Media. Most thought I was getting lazy for ordering it. Those ideas changed after we put it into use. I had one employee de-rack a full HP blade chassis by himself. That’s over 400 pounds! Wonderful product and we show it off to visiting vendors that sell us equipment that needs to be racked. We give it five stars out of five.”

Kelloggs Logo

Dan Balitewicz, Senior Manager - Infrastrukturbetrieb, Kellogg's

“We have a ServerLIFT® solution and it’s awesome. It can lift 500 lbs without issue. Even the largest Cisco devices can be installed using it. Our facilities group uses it to pull motors from CRAC Units. It’s well worth the investment.”


Ken Ward, Senior Datacenter Engineer, GoDaddy.com

“The ServerLIFT® unit was of great benefit during the racking of our blade centers. With the use of the strap kit, one person was able to unbox and safely place the 300-pound device into a rack on the rails. The benefit of not having to remove the blades and power supply components from the chassis to make it lighter saved time and potential damage.”

Foxconn CABG Server

Salvador López, Fertigungstechnik, Foxconn CABG Server

“We have 3 ServerLIFT® units in one project for our heavy lifting needs at production floor. Operators really like the way it can be easily positioned making the assembly of server enclosures, batteries and other PDU systems safe. Equipment is in production environment so it gets a good share of heavy duty use. We really rely on them. Customer service is top notch and sales department really goes out of their way to help out.”

AT & T-Logo

Rory Bennett, Senior Data Center Manager bei AT & T Mobility

“Safety is our #1 priority. Originally, we didn’t have the resources to install the hardware safely. We were using battery-operated, hand-crank lifts, but they required too much maintenance. Now, our ServerLIFT® unit is well-used and everybody is happy with the 'Cadillac' we bought. It’s a great investment.”

ServerLIFT® Clients

30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie

Mit ServerLIFT garantiert®

Wir haben erweiterte Service- und Garantieverträge sowie eine 30-tägige Geld-zurück-Garantie für unsere Rechenzentrumsaufzüge.

Why Our Customers Rely On ServerLIFT®

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Sprechen Sie mit einem Spezialisten, um die richtige Hebelösung für Ihr Rechenzentrum zu finden.

Laden Sie unser KOSTENLOSES Whitepaper "The Data Center Safety Guidebook" herunter.

Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, angemessene, realistische Sicherheitsrichtlinien für Ihr Rechenzentrum oder Ihre Colocation-Einrichtung zu erstellen? In diesem kostenlosen Handbuch werden die Betriebsstandards beschrieben, die für eine sichere Arbeitsumgebung mit 100% erforderlich sind.


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Best Practices für den Umgang mit Rechenzentrumsgeräten

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Whitepaper zum Aktionsplan zur Konsolidierung von Rechenzentren

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Kauf eines Rechenzentrums-Hebegeräts