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Průvodce migrací datového centra

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Budget Blog Banner

Deploy Your Data Center Management Tools Company-Wide: Here’s Why

It’s best to purchase data center infrastructure management tools at once for the entire organization whenever possible. And companies that run data centers can save significant time and money when purchasing this way from ServerLIFT. End-user spending on global data center infrastructure is projected to climb to $200 billion this year. Choosing to deploy to

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Focus On Server Manufacturer: Lenovo

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Lenovo

Lenovo Group Limited, founded in China in 1984, is a global tech leader today. 11 engineers banded together to found the company, and it was incorporated by the Chinese government that very same day. Computers were not actually the first or second focus for the Lenovo team. Initially they attempted to import TVs, which did

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juniper blog banner for serverlift blog

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Juniper

The legacy of Juniper Networks began in 1996, when founder Pradeep Sindhu created the company. A scientist with Xerox, he came up with the concept for Juniper while on vacation. Sindhu wanted to improve internet router capabilities. In the early ‘90s, routers were built for phone calls and had dedicated circuits for every caller—also known

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Hybrid Cloud Blog Banner

What Is a Hybrid Cloud, And Do I Want One?

There is a lot of buzz surrounding hybrid cloud in the IT industry lately. It’s referred to as the ultimate in a future-ready infrastructure and touted as a total private data-control solution. We’re taking a closer look at hybrid cloud to separate hype from fact. Below we’ll define a hybrid cloud architecture and how it

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inspur blog banner

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Inspur

Inspur, founded in Shandong, China, is an international leader in information technology. They are ranked among the top three server vendors worldwide according to the IDC. They are also the #1 server manufacturer, enterprise software brand, and cloud computing vendor in China. This leading data center and cloud computing solutions provider emphasizes a focus on

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Hewlett Packard enterprises logo

Focus On Server Manufacturer: HPE

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) was founded in a one-car garage in July of 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. The two became friends while attending Stanford University. Their origin story is referred to as “the original Silicon Valley startup” by the company in recognition of its roots—with many similar endeavors launching in

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Proč naši zákazníci spoléhají na SERVERLIFT®

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Správně provedený akční plán konsolidace datového centra nastiňuje účinné a škálovatelné technologie, které lze využít ke zvýšení produkce při současném snížení provozních nákladů.


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Průvodce migrací datového centra

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dokument white paper konsolidace akčního plánu konsolidace dat

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Průvodce bezpečností datových center

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Doporučené postupy pro přesun IT oddělení v datovém centru

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Osvědčené postupy pro manipulaci se zařízeními datových center

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Nákup zdvihacího zařízení datového centra