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ServerLIFT® News | March 2024

Spring is on the way! Yet as we await the new season, this industry continues marching forward in the most unique and experimental ways. So, with data center news changing on a regular basis, we have the month’s most important stories to keep you up to date! 1. The Most Surprising Data Center Locations Across … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® News | September 2023

Autumn is almost here and much of the country is waking up to cooler mornings and shorter days. But just as heating systems need fall maintenance, data centers also need regular maintenance. It may be time to decommission some servers or to consolidate server racks. ServerLIFT® helps our customers every day with these maintenance tasks, … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® News | August 2023

As students start heading back to school, we wonder how many are getting degrees that will lead to careers in data center management and operations. It’s a valid question in light of data center staffing shortages. We’ll also discuss a unique data center solution for the military, when it makes sense to rent data center … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® News | July 2023

The dog days of a record-breaking summer are upon us! We hope you’re in a cool place when this newsletter reaches you. Our topics this month include how AI could impact data center cybersecurity, an interesting military data center, our customer service model, and data center safety. Enjoy! 1. Could AI Negatively Impact Data Center … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® News | February 2023


Spring is on the way, revealing more sunshine. It also causes many of us to perform annual spring cleaning. Data centers, similarly, have their own versions of a “seasonal refresh” or “spring cleaning.” But with IT operations, those activities take the form of server refreshes, migrations, sustainability improvements, efficiency enhancements, and long-term data archiving. This … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | January 2022

January 2022 Newsletter Header

Large data center migrations are happening around the world. ServerLIFT® server-handling solutions provide you with the most optimal tools  to safely and effectively transport, position, install, and remove servers. Because fulfillment lead times have increased due to the global supply chain and logistics crisis, please let our Client Services team ([email protected]) know as soon as … Lee mas

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | January 2021

serverlift newsletter banner

2021 will be a year full of promise for the data center industry, as the growing digital economy drives new business. This growth makes us more determined than ever to help make every data center a safer place to work. Our latest blog post lists five of the most critical data center safety considerations. If … Lee mas

Las 10 mejores formas de evitar el tiempo de inactividad

Las 10 mejores formas de evitar el tiempo de inactividad

Los administradores y operadores de centros de datos conocen bien la amenaza inminente de tiempo de inactividad innecesario. A pesar de los avances tecnológicos en el espacio de infraestructura de TI, son un fenómeno común. El Instituto Ponemon colocó el costo de un minuto de tiempo de inactividad en el centro de datos en $5,600 en 2010 y en $7,900 en 2013. Eso ahora ha aumentado a un promedio de más de $8,000 por minuto. Para Fortune 100, la pérdida de tiempo de inactividad no planificado cuesta tanto como $2.5 mil millones al año.

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La guía de migración del centro de datos

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La guía de seguridad del centro de datos

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Mejores prácticas para mover el departamento de TI en el centro de datos

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Mejores prácticas para el manejo de equipos del centro de datos

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documento blanco del plan de acción de consolidación del centro de datos

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Comprar un dispositivo de elevación del centro de datos