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ServerLIFT® News | September 2023

Autumn is almost here and much of the country is waking up to cooler mornings and shorter days. But just as heating systems need fall maintenance, data centers also need regular maintenance. It may be time to decommission some servers or to consolidate server racks. ServerLIFT® helps our customers every day with these maintenance tasks, so we’ve included some of our Hinter den Kulissen stories in this newsletter to give you an inside look.

1. Handling Outdated Data Center Hardware

Microsoft recently lowered the lifespan of their servers from six years to four years. How do data centers handle hardware that has aged out? Decommissioning them is one way, but there are few other ways that might make sense.

2. Data Center Lifts in Non-Data Center Environments

Our lifts are exclusively designed for data centers, but we increasingly are seeing customers who want to use them in non-data center environments. For example, we see a lot of manufacturers looking at the SL-500FX Front Loading Lift to move heavy equipment batteries. And this is just one application where our lift is the best solution!

3. A Purpose-Built Data Center Lift Is Worth the Investment

A lift that is purpose-built for data centers is a good investment for many reasons, not the least of which is ensuring the safety of workers and equipment. Discover why, after using our safety-certified lifts, data center managers come back to us to purchase more lifts. 

4. Why Our Client Services Team Discusses Purchases Before Issuing Quotes

Potential customers often ask why our Client Services team wants to discuss their purchases before giving them a quote. Our goal is to give each customer the complete solution that best meets their needs, so we ask a lot of questions to gain insights into what data center lift and accessories is the optimal option.

A server-handling lift that is built exclusively for data centers must perform drei wesentliche Funktionen. If you’re interested in the only purpose-built data center lift on the market, call us at  (602) 254-1557 for more information.


Bleib sicher,

Ray Zuckerman, CEO

ServerLIFT Corporation



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