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Your Safest Data Center Decision™

Your Safest Data Center Decision™

The best and ONLY safe way to handle IT equipment

Lej en af vores populære datacenterlifte i USA og Canada! Perfekt til engangsprojekter og midlertidige projekter. Tjek den video eller Lær mere!

Transform your data center with the safest, most-trusted, industry-standard server-handling solutions. We’ve built our business on the foundation of one single principle: to relocate equipment safely and efficiently. At ServerLIFT® we make the only data center lifts that can be used by anyone to Transport, Position, Install, or Remove™ any server in any data center across the world.

Bedste værdi, mest populære
ServerLIFT® SL-500X® – Powered
Den bedste all-round løsning med let, let tryk på elektrisk løft.

Løfter de tyngste servere
ServerLIFT® SL-1000X®
Powered Super Duty
Den mest alsidige datacenterløft på markedet.

Til sjældne bevægelser
ServerLIFT® SL-350X®

Vores premium håndsvinget datacenterløft.

Udvidet Rack Support
ServerLIFT® SL-500FX®
Frontlæsning Powered

Det ideelle valg til faciliteter med brede gange.

motoriseret lift til op til 500 kg. kapacitet
Super-Duty Lift løfter elektronisk servere op til 1.000 kg.
løfter servere op til 1.000 kg. manuelt med en håndsving
elektrisk frontlæssende datacenter op til 500 lbs.
Bedste værdi, mest populære ServerLIFT® SL-500X® Lift til elektrisk datacenter Den bedste all-round løsning med let, let tryk på elektrisk løft.
Løfter de tyngste servere ServerLIFT® SL-1000X® Super-Duty Lift Den mest alsidige og tunge datacentre-lift på markedet.
Til lejlighedsvise bevægelser ServerLIFT® SL-350X® Håndsvinget løft Vores premium håndknivede alternativ til elevatorer til elektrisk datacenter.
Udvidet server support ServerLIFT® SL-500FX™ Front-Loading Lift Det ideelle valg til producenter og faciliteter med brede gange.

Vi er tillid til disse store virksomheder

#1 bedst sælgende løfteanordning til datacenter i verden

Datacenterhejs til de hårdeste job

Our super-duty solutions are designed to tackle top data center environment concerns. Moving equipment within data center aisles as narrow as 36” (92 cm) is easy with a shelf that slides from side to side, eliminating the need to turn around. Servers, switches, UPS’s, and PDU’s weighing up to 1,000 pounds (454 kg) can be handled and supported all the way from unboxing, to transportation over uneven flooring, to placement within the rack. Operators have ample room to safely move and manipulate equipment without risk of injury. Every movement is critical. That’s why we have considered even the smallest details in bringing you the expert support of a ServerLIFT® data center lift.

Fuldt belastede elevatorer krydser uden at vippe

ServerLIFT® assisted lifting devices are slim enough for the smallest data center aisles, moving seamlessly across data center floors and through standard-size doorways. Our stable platform means floor obstructions—including raised tiles and cord protectors—will not result in tipping or damaged equipment.

Bilateral platform gør manøvrering let

ServerLIFT® data center lifts give the operator access to the rack on either side of the aisle with side-to-side installation. There is no need to turn the device around, or bring in another operator for assistance.

Sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet

ServerLIFT® server handling lifts are designed to be the data center professional’s safest and smartest decision. Ours is the only data center lift certified to meet global safety standards, with a 100% accident-free record reported by our customers.
Vector Smart Object-1
Vector smart objekt
Vector Smart Object-2
We are relentless about quality, safety, and continuous improvement. That’s why you can have piece of mind knowing that ServerLIFT® is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 manufacturer and we produce the only data center lifts with CE, FCC/IC, KC, and UL product certifications.

Hvorfor Vores kunder stoler på serverløft®

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Tal med en specialist for at finde den rigtige løfteløsning til dit datacenter.

Download vores GRATIS hvidbog, "Købe en datacenter-løfteenhed"

Dit datacenter er missionskritisk, og nedetid kan betyde titusinder af vrede kunder og millioner i tab. Vores gratis guidebog hjælper dig med at identificere de rigtige værktøjer til effektiv undgåelse af nedetid som datacenteradministrator.

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Købe en Løfteenhed til datacenter

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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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Vejledningen til datacenteret

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