Your Safest Data Center Lifting Solution

Det RIGHT way to handle IT equipment

Lift til datacenter

Bedste værdi, mest populære

Den bedste all-round løsning med let, let tryk på elektrisk løft. Learn more.

Løfter de tyngste servere

Den mest alsidige og tunge datacentre-lift på markedet. Lær mere.

løfter servere op til 1.000 kg. manuelt med en håndsving

Til lejlighedsvise bevægelser

Vores premium håndknivede alternativ til elevatorer til elektrisk datacenter. Learn more.

Udvidet server support

Det ideelle valg til producenter og faciliteter med brede gange. Learn more.

Hit the Highest Racks

The optimal choice for data centers and other facilities using taller racks. Learn more.

Safest Data Center Lift

Most data center workplace injuries happen when employees move heavy data center equipment.

Our customers say that our data center lifts give them the safest way to move heavy IT equipment.  ServerLIFT® data center lifts are the only safety-certified lifts available.

Hvordan man køber

We offer several options for purchasing our data center lifts and attachments. We also have all the information you need to know about shipping, delivery, and extended service contracts.

The Lift that has YOU and your equipment safety in mind.

Our specialty is providing purpose-built solutions customized for your industry. We provide the safest and smartest resources so that you never have to worry about operational, server-handling safety.

Data Center Resources

ServerLIFT has a comprehensive library of valuable resources for our customers. We have many informative blog articles, equipment instructions and manuals, lists of equipment we lift and colocation providers, and videos to help you get the most out of your data center lift.

Providing Safety Worldwide

ServerLIFT LLC is based in Phoenix, AZ, and ships internationally. You can order from us directly or from one of our distributors, who maintain stock across the globe.
Our resellers are also available to answer questions and serve as a support system throughout the purchasing process.
For a partner or distributor near you, click “Review Our Partners” below.


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