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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

lifting data center batteries

Data Center Lifts For Non-Data Center Environments?

ServerLIFT® manufactures a variety of safety lifting devices that are specifically designed and safety-certified for data center use. But what if you need a lifting solution that is for a different environment? ServerLIFT® has you covered! We have had an influx of manufacturing companies looking to our products—especially the SL-500FX Front Loading Lift—to lift their equipment (such as heavy batteries). There are many use cases outside of the data center environment where our lifts may be the right choice to ensure safety for your staff and expensive equipment. Regardless of your specific use case, we believe that no one should be lifting heavy equipment by hand, so if you are in need of the safest lifting solution available on the market today, consider ServerLIFT® brand data center lifts. Call us today and one of our Client Services representatives will discuss your use case and help you determine the right tool for your needs.


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