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ServerLIFT® DC Lift Reusable Crate

Reusable Crates Are The Perfect Way To Move Your Data Center Lifts Safely

Recently we had a customer reach out because they are shipping some of their units overseas and will be moving the lifts around to different data centers. They wanted the safest solution for transporting their data center lifts so that they will arrive safely each and every time they are moved. We suggested our reusable crates. Their robust and efficient design makes them the perfect way to ensure that your lift arrives anywhere safely. They are simple to use. Just open the door, which turns into a ramp, roll the lift inside, set the brakes and close the door. To unload, unscrew the door, lower it to make a ramp, release the brakes, and roll it out. Simple as that.

Warum sich unsere Kunden auf SERVERLIFT verlassen®

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