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Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics

May 2012 Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics


An anonymous study was conducted to determine the number of data center injury and damage from dropped server equipment that occurs in data centers. Out of the 113 participants, 89 answered that they have worked or interfaced within a data center in the past five years. Out of the 89 relevant participants, 58 were able to provide information regarding injuries and 67 were able to provide information regarding dropped equipment.


  • Over 52% were aware of injuries in the data center
  • Over 65% were aware of dropped server equipment in the data center


In the past 5 Years…

  1. Have you worked in or interfaced with a data center?
  2. How Many Injuries Are You Aware of In Your Data Center?
  3. How Many Times Has Rack-Mounted Equipment Been Dropped In The Data Center?

Safety Survey Image

ServerLIFT® attended Interop Las Vegas, one of the IT industry’s leading technology events. This three day event attracts industry leaders from around the world and provides comprehensive look into of all the latest industry innovations and trends. We conducted an unbiased, blind survey to get a better understanding of the dangers in data centers.

ServerLIFT® specialized server handling solutions help reduce the risk of data center injury and damaged equipment. Our robust خادم SL-500XLIFT® enables single person to safely and effectively lift rack-mounted server equipment in the data center environment.

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