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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

Pain In The Back

Pain In The Back

So sad. We got an email from a technician who used to work alone in a data center, moving big servers, including those manufactured by Sun and NetApp. “I needed a ServerLIFT® data center lift 10 years ago, and I have the back pain to prove it,” he told us. He tried. “I fought hard for it, I ticked off a lot of managers about it, but they never gave in,” he lamented. Every now and again, we hear from hard working folks like him, whose managers don’t realize the danger—and pain—truly involved in data center operational logistics. They don’t blink at spending millions per year to run the facility, but can’t or won’t approve a few thousand bucks to get their people the tools they need to do their job right. We’ll definitely keep trying and hoping we can help save his back down the road.

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