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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting

This was a new one . . . an IT Systems Integrator called and asked for the lightest lift that we have available, because they need to get the lift up to the 2nd floor – where the data center will be located. This is a unique use case, as it’s rare for the data center to be on the second floor, and the elevator won’t be running until the data center is fully operational. They want to use the lift to populate the new cabinets as they get the new data center up and running. We have provided them with quotes, but are still working with them on ways to get a lift that weighs more than 300 pounds up the stairs to the 2nd floor. We will update as we work with this customer on how we can help get them the lift they need and deserve.

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