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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

data center lift rental

Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute! Plan Ahead And Book Your Rental Today!

Renting a lifting solution for an upcoming data center project can seem like a lot of work if you wait until the last minute. Here at ServerLIFT®, we do our best to make renting a data center lift as easy as possible, but things can get needlessly difficult if you haven’t planned ahead. Points to keep in mind when planning to rent a lift: Is a lift available? Our lifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Will it arrive on time? Our standard shipping is 3-5 business days unless you are in the Phoenix Metro area. Imagine missing the start date of an important move because you could not get a rental lift on time. Don’t get stuck in this situation! If you know when you’re going to need a rental lift, call us now to book your rental!

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