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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

ServerLIFT Tip n Tell

Crate Sensors Ensure Your New Lift Arrives Safely

ServerLIFT® data center lifts come in a big, custom-made, sturdy box. That’s one way we make sure your new lift arrives in great condition. But we go a step further:  we place Tip N’ Tell indicators on the cartons and crates, which will activate if goods are tipped or dropped on their side. When the lift arrives, the consignee or receiving agent inspects the indicators, and notes if there are any active indicators (along with any other visible damage to the carton, of course). Our customers tell us they are so glad when their ServerLIFT® data center lift arrives, no more manual lifting or struggling with a “warehouse” lift! These actions ensure it’s a very positive experience.

لماذا يعتمد عملاؤنا على SERVERLIFT®

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