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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

data center lift attachments

How Attachments Can Smooth Out Every Move

It’s exciting for us to tell new lift owners about attachments that can make their data center moves even more effortless. Got a heavy server that you need to install in a rack? Watch it glide, smooth as silk, into position, without any appreciable effort on your part. Our Glide Table takes all the friction out of installs. Need to get a heavy piece of equipment out of its shipping box, so you can move it to its proper location? With our Lift Extension, a single operator can remove new servers from their boxes, just by attaching the straps and pressing buttons. Do you use “j-shaped” drop-in rails in your racks? Use our Rail Lift to precisely and gently guide your server into position. We’ve thought it all through so every move can be a smooth move.

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