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ServerLIFT® News | March 2024

Spring is on the way! Yet as we await the new season, this industry continues marching forward in the most unique and experimental ways. So, with data center news changing on a regular basis, we have the month’s most important stories to keep you up to date!

1. The Most Surprising Data Center Locations Across the World!

Do you know the most unique places that house data centers? Think again! While intriguing, these unconventional locales also offer some great advantages.

2. Will Data Centers Stop AI in Its Tracks?

With energy consumption reaching record levels, implementing AI may be more complicated than initially thought. Check out the story for this stunning revelation.

3. The Right Way to Move IT Equipment

Gone are the days when you needed two techs to install or remove servers. Thanks to ServerLIFT®, you now only need one tech. Read about how we’ve improved the process.

4. Taking a Closer Look at Your Data Center Lift

It’s not always easy to tell if your lift needs an inspection, but if you’re looking for some guidance, our included Operator’s Manual is a great place to begin.

We are often surprised that data center staff who use our lifts aren’t aware that they can call us for service, repairs, and support. Our Customer Experience team is ready to answer all your questions and find a solution for any problem you face. We’re just a phone call away at (602) 254-1557.


Restez en sécurité,

Ray Zuckerman, PDG

ServerLIFT Corporation



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Achat d'un appareil de levage pour centre de données